Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

KS: GOP Candidates Say they’ll fight the health care law


GOP candidates for governor and attorney general said Monday they would fight the new federal health care law, including possible litigation.

U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback, the GOP nominee for governor and Kansas Senate majority leader Derek Schmidt, who is running for attorney general, both made the pledge, saying that it will be up to the court to reject the new health care legislation signed into law earlier this year.

“If fully enacted, the Obama Health Care plan would devastate the Kansas budget with unaffordable mandates, threatening every other priority in state government,” Brownback said. “On health care, we believe in the Kansas way, not the Obama way.”

Earlier this year, Democrat Attorney General Steve Six decided to not file a lawsuit challenging the law, or to join states that were fighting it in court. At the time, he said that the cost of the suit would not make the suit worth while to Kansas.

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