Home / SD: Highway Patrol Bill Stripped to $1SD: Highway Patrol Bill Stripped to $1
Last Updated on Monday, 25 February 2008 03:50 Written by rslcpol Monday, 25 February 2008 02:52
Oh the political direct mail this move will spawn.
PIERRE – In a move the sponsor said was designed to keep alive discussion of restoring money for the state Highway Patrol, the House Appropriations Committee cut $2 million down to $1 this morning.Republican Rep. Jim Putnam of Armour, who pushed for the cut, said it would keep the issue alive while legislators decide how much money they have and where they’ll spend it.
Gov. Mike Rounds cut $2 million from the Highway Patrol budget, saying a $27 million shortfall in the state highway trust fund required a tighter budget for the agency.