Home / Did you really expect anything less?Did you really expect anything less?
Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 07:39 Written by rslcpol Wednesday, 15 November 2006 07:39
SACRAMENTO — Given 25-1 odds in the Capitol that he'll run for governor in 2010 — attorney general-elect Jerry Brown refused to rule the move out — or in — but expects to be a powerful, key senior statesman-adviser to California's novice bosses.
The attitude might backfire with younger politicians and the public, analysts warned.
Brown, 68, said in an interview that “given the fact that my experience is much greater than most of the politicians in Sacramento, that gives me a unique opportunity to offer some leadership and guidance and play a very important role.”
“I know more about the governor's office than anybody else wandering around here,” said Brown, a Democrat who served two terms before voter-imposed term limits.
I mean really…I wonder where else his vast knowledge and experience is going to take the people of California?