Home / KS: Legislature Dims the LightsKS: Legislature Dims the Lights
Last Updated on Wednesday, 4 June 2008 11:41 Written by rslcpol Wednesday, 4 June 2008 11:41
Sen. Pete Brungardt pointed out some notable things from the 2008 Kansas Legislature when he spoke to Salina’s noon Rotary Club on Monday.
Some of his comments were significant in a good way, but one of his topics was not. Tim Unruh’s report on the meeting was published in Tuesday’s Journal.
On the good side, Brungardt showed common sense when he discussed Hays-based Sunflower Electric’s attempts to add two 700-megawatt coal-fired generators to its plant south of Holcomb. He showed support for coal-generated electricity, but he did not support his Republican Party leadership when Speaker of the House Melvin Neufeld, R-Ingalls, bundled two key economic development packages with the coal plant legislation. That move was a power play meant to force Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to sign the bill.
Brungardt and other Republican lawmakers stood their ground, refusing to be herded like sheep. Good for them.