Home / LA: House Approves $300 Million Tax CutLA: House Approves $300 Million Tax Cut
Last Updated on Thursday, 5 June 2008 12:20 Written by rslcpol Thursday, 5 June 2008 12:20
The Louisiana House of Representatives has unanimously approved a tax break that would lower state income taxes beginning with 2009 returns.
Speaker Jim Tucker pushed the bill through after barely fighting off an amendment to expand the break to a level that Tucker said would conflict with Gov. Bobby Jindal’s budget plans. The measure must return to the Senate for consideration of changes made in the House.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Buddy Shaw of Shreveport, would essentially reverse the changes known as the “Stelly Tax Plan” approved by voters statewide in 2002. That plan altered tax brackets and angered many people who got hit with higher tax bills. Many voters approved the constitutional amendment believing it would affect only the well-to-do but the Stelly Plan wound up getting much of the middle class, too.
Shaw’s bill would change the brackets so that all filers would get a break on income over $12,500. An individual filer would get a maximum break of up to $500, and up to $1,000 for joint filers.
I was one that voted for Bobby Jindal – he promised clearing out those practices and politicians that were unethical; he promised tax relief…yet now instead of this tax cut occurring in Jaunary 2009, it has been pushed back to July 2009. That won’t help the middle class who bears the brunt of taxes or other filers until 2010. Seems he broke another promise.