Home / IN: Papers Endorse GOP Zoeller; Dem Pence Resorts to SmearsIN: Papers Endorse GOP Zoeller; Dem Pence Resorts to Smears
Last Updated on Friday, 24 October 2008 08:35 Written by rslcpol Friday, 24 October 2008 08:35
From Hoosier Access:
All of this comes as Linda Pence airs a scurilous negative ad smear about Greg Zoeller and continues to blatantly distort the role and function of the attorney general’s office.
Greg Zoeller has spent his life serving other people; the people of Indiana, the people of his church, and the people of his community. The idea put forward by Linda Pence in her advertisement, namely that Greg Zoeller doesn’t care about the most vulnerable among us, is not merely risible. It is a disgusting insult to one of the finest public servants and certainly the nicest and most genuine person I have ever encountered in Indiana politics.
But, for just a moment, let’s assume that Linda Pence and her supporters know more about the functions and authority of the attorney general’s office than the folks that have served in it for eight years (especially the guy that was the #2 there for that time).