Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

Virginia AG Vows to Fight to restrain Federal Power

From Richmond Times-Dispatch:

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is being accused of a lot of things these days. False advertising isn’t one of them.

“No one could have listened to a single campaign speech of Ken Cuccinelli and be surprised that he’s challenging the federal government,” former Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore said.

Cuccinelli, a 41-year-old conservative Republican and former state senator from Fairfax County, has filed two high-profile lawsuits against the federal government in just more than two months in office, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

“I ran giving full notice that it was our intention to oppose federal overreaches of power,” Cuccinelli said during a news briefing this week by Gov. Bob McDonnell on the federal health-care reform bill. “And this is clearly such an overreach.”

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