Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

WA: Big Crowd Out to Support AG McKenna

From The Olympian:

A large crowd gathered Saturday morning at the state Capitol in support of Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna, a day after people at a much smaller rally took him to task for taking legal action against recently passed federal health care legislation.

Larger crowd supports Rob McKenna

The rally on the steps of the Legislative Building began about 11 a.m., although a large crowd had arrived before then, with many carrying the current U.S. flag as well as the nation’s old “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. Others carried signs that read “Repeal the bill,” “Give me liberty not debt,” and “No gangster government.”

Crowd estimates varied; a sergeant with the State Patrol said 850 people were there, while some supporters pegged the crowd at 2,000 and others as high as 4,000. After the pledge of allegiance and a moment of prayer, McKenna stepped up to the microphone about 11:15 a.m. and addressed the crowd for about 15 minutes.

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