Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Tennessee Backs Arizona’s Immigration law by a 4-1 Margin

From the Tennessean:

Tennesseans favor bringing Arizona’s controversial immigration measure to the state by a 4-to-1 margin, a poll conducted for The Tennessean and other media outlets found.

Seventy-two percent of voters in the state say they would support enacting a law that would require people stopped by police to prove they are in the country legally. Such legislation would be modeled after an Arizona immigration statute scheduled to go into effect Thursday that lets police charge people who cannot prove their citizenship status under the state’s criminal trespassing laws.

“I have no problem with it,” said Otis Schrier, a retired civil servant from Dover who responded to the poll by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research. “I don’t think criminals have a right to not show identification.”

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