Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

RSLC: Poll Shows Majority of New Yorkers Oppose Democrat Gains in State Senate

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Leading up to an election in which control of the New York Senate hangs in the balance, voters are sending clear signals that they are fed up with Democrat control and overblown budgets and will be looking elsewhere this November.

In a Siena College poll of registered New York voters released this morning, an alarming 61 percent indicated they do not want Democrats to increase their slim 32-30 state senate majority.  Fifty-one percent of voters said they prefer someone besides their incumbent state senator.

“Senate Democrats in Albany have proven themselves to be reckless and out-of-control spenders, tax-raisers and job killers and have tagged the voters of New York with the tab,” said RSLC Vice Chair Tom Reynolds who also served as NY State Assembly Minority Leader and as a U.S. Congressman from New York.  “This poll demonstrates that the New York electorate is unhappy and is demanding results on creating new jobs, lowering taxes and stopping spending.”

“By a nearly three-to-one margin, voters believe the recently enacted state budget will worsen, not improve, the state’s long term fiscal condition,” according to the poll.  Forty-one percent believe the state’s condition will worsen as a result of the Democrat budget that includes billions of dollars in tax increases, while only 15 percent think it will do anything to improve it.  “Voters continue to be pessimistic about the fiscal condition of New York, which is reflected in the fact that two-thirds of voters believe the state is headed in the wrong direction and only 21 percent believe the state is on the right track,” said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg.

“This is a situation we see playing out across the country.  In state after state, voters are sick and tired of liberal, big government policies and are going to speak with their vote in just over two months,” Reynolds concluded.

The most recent REDistricting MAjority Project (REDMAP) Political Report included the New York Senate as one Democrat controlled chamber from key states that is solidly “in play.”  REDMAP is a program of the RSLC dedicated to winning Republican control of state legislatures that will have the most impact on Congressional redistricting in 2011.

The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders and the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot, state-level Republican office-holders.  Since 2002, the RSLC has been working to elect candidates for the office of attorney general, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and state legislator.  The RSLC consistently raises and spends an average of more than $20 million, per two-year cycle, from more than 80,000 donors and from all 50 states.


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