Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

NY GOP AG Candidate says AG shouldn’t stand for “Aspiring Governor”

From Capitol Confidential:

“Earlier this year, I publicly pledged that if I was elected Attorney General, I would not run for higher office as the sitting Attorney General. I wanted to restore New Yorkers’ confidence that they were electing someone focused on the job at hand – not on their own future career aspirations. I believe that by making this pledge, it de-politicizes the office and sends a reassuring message that every decision I make as Attorney General is based on facts and evidence, not on a desire to use the office as a stepping stone to further my own personal ambitions.

“Today I am calling on my opponent to take the same public pledge. New Yorkers deserve to know State Senator Schneiderman’s view on this matter. Voters are tired of the fact that for too long, ‘A.G.’ has stood for ‘Aspiring Governor,’ not Attorney General. The job of Attorney General is a critical one, and it is one that should be conducted properly, without any interference or influence of political or personal considerations.

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