Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

MA: Republican Kicks off His Attorney General Campaign


James P. McKenna, the Republican hoping to unseat Attorney General Martha Coakley, launched his campaign today with a vow to crack down on public corruption and illegal immigration and a strong defense of his voting record, which includes a few missed elections.

“It is time to restore trust in our government,” McKenna said in a four-minute speech at the headquarters of the state Republican Party in downtown Boston. “The Beacon Hill boys and girls club is a free-for-all of waste, fraud and corruption, where holier-than-thou attitudes prevail and the special interests run the show.”

“I’ve listened to the people and they say, ‘No more,’ and I agree,” McKenna continued. “No more sitting by while Beacon Hill engages in criminal activity while the attorney general sits idly by, making excuses about their hands getting tied,” McKenna said, pointing to the federal corruption charges against state Senator Dianne Wilkerson. “We know real leaders don’t let their hands get tied. Real leaders act.”

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