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Archive for the ‘Lieutenant Governor News’ Category

RLGA Announces New Ads Heading into Wisconsin Elections

New RLGA Ads Highlight Leadership of Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch

Alexandria, Va. (April 9, 2012) – The Republican Lieutenant Governors Association (RLGA) today announced the launch of a new television and online ad campaign in Wisconsin as the state heads into its latest round of recall elections.

“As Chair of the RLGA, I am proud to stand with my colleague who has been subjected to an expensive, unnecessary recall which ignores the needs of Wisconsin voters at the expense of partisan politics,” said Nevada Lieutenant Governor Brian Krolicki. “As these ads make clear, the truth is that Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch has worked with Governor Scott Walker to deliver the budget and education reforms the state desperately needed to reduce the deficit and get on a path to prosperity– and it is working.”

“The RLGA has been a part of the RSLC since 2004, and it has never been more important to stand with our Lieutenant Governors as they partner with Republican governors to reform state government,” stated Chris Jankowski, President of the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC). “The advocates of unsustainable spending who lost control of Wisconsin government in 2010 will not go away quietly, as they now target the office of Lieutenant Governor. The RSLC continues to stand with our elected Republican leaders in Wisconsin and across the country who are standing up and making the smart, tough choices that families, taxpayers and businesses need and deserve.”

The ad campaign includes a targeted statewide cable buy and a geotargeted online ad buy focused on informing Wisconsin voters about Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch’s record of reform and real change. Click here to watch the new television advertisement.

About the RLGA

The Republican Lieutenant Governors Association (RLGA) is the only national organization committed to raising money and assisting Republicans in their campaigns for Lieutenant Governor. The 44 Lieutenant Governors across the country hold an office that has served as a springboard to elected positions such as Governor, Senator, U.S. Representative, or appointments to the President’s Cabinet.

Mississippi GOP Aims for a Sweep

From the Wall Street Journal:

The Republican Party has launched a major push to capture the Mississippi House of Representatives this fall, a goal that has eluded it since Reconstruction and that would remove nearly every vestige of Democratic control from the state’s government.

A win for Republicans in Mississippi on Nov. 8 would complete a near sweep of state governments across the South that began decades ago and accelerated in last year’s midterm elections. South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee now have Republican governors and the GOP controls both houses of the legislature in those states and North Carolina.

Mississippi is one of only four states holding legislative elections this year. The others are Louisiana, Virginia and New Jersey, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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Primary Day in Mississippi

From the AP:

Mississippians are voting Tuesday in party primaries for statewide, regional, legislative and county races.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. and were to close at 7 p.m.

Democrats’ only statewide contested primary is for governor. Republicans have contested statewide primaries for governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, agriculture commissioner and secretary of state.

In some counties, voter turnout will be driven by races for sheriff, supervisor, circuit clerk and chancery clerk.

If runoffs are needed, they’ll be Aug. 23. The general election is Nov. 8.

Mississippi’s top elections official, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, said a new law enacted this year could help ease the headache of long lines at precincts. It requires at least 75 percent of voting machines to be used in each election.

Previous state law didn’t specify what percentage of machines must be used in elections. During the 2010 congressional races, some counties put out too few machines, and voters in several precincts encountered long lines, Hosemann said. The new law came in response to that situation.

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MO Lt. Governor Kinder on Attorney General Koster Filing Amicus Brief in Florida Case

From Lt. Governor Kinder’s office:

JEFFERSON CITY – Lt. Governor Peter Kinder today released the following statement after Attorney General Koster filed an amicus brief in the Florida case:

“After thirteen months of inaction and indecision, Attorney General Koster has joined me in declaring the individual mandate to be unconstitutional. However, AG Koster fails to recognize what Judge Vinson clearly articulated and ruled, which is that the individual mandate is not severable from the Health Care Act and therefore the entire law is unconstitutional. AG Koster’s amicus brief in the Florida case, while welcome, is a day late and a dollar short. It does not adequately defend the Missouri Health Care Freedom Act or respond to the resolution passed by the Missouri General Assembly.

With the exception of AG Koster now agreeing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, we are otherwise disappointed in AG Koster’s course of action. His filing of an amicus brief in the Appellate Court hearing the Florida case does not effectively advocate for the interests of Missouri citizens. I continue to urge AG Koster to join the lawsuit that I and other Missouri citizens have filed in federal court in Missouri. This case is the only case in the nation specifically defending the Health Care Freedom Act and rights of Missourians.

It is crucial that leaders of our state are willing to get in the battle for Missourians’ constitutional rights and freedoms, and not just comment from the sidelines.”

Why do state elections matter to the RSLC?

Check out the first installment of RSLC President Chris Jankowski’s President’s Perspective – Notes from the States:

Democratic legislators in Wisconsin and Indiana did not flee their jobs because Republican Governors proposed bold comprehensive reforms to balance their budgets and create job growth in their states. These Democratic legislators fled their jobs because there were new Republican legislative majorities poised to enact these comprehensive reforms in Wisconsin and Indiana. State legislative elections matter.

Elections for state Attorneys General also matter as we saw when Republican Attorneys General rallied to challenge the overreaching Obama healthcare law. As home to the Republican Lieutenant Governors Association (RLGA), the RSLC knows elections for Lieutenant Governors matter as we cheered just weeks ago when Republican Lt. Governor Bill Bolling of Virginia cast the tie breaking vote on an amendment to Senate Bill 924 that will require new regulatory standards to protect the health of patients in Virginia’s abortion clinics.

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WV: Acting Governor says state needs a Lt. Governor

From Charleston Daily Mail:

Acting Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin believes West Virginia should elect a lieutenant governor to take over when its chief executive departs.

The West Virginia Constitution now gives the job to Tomblin as state Senate president. But an administration official tells The Associated Press that Tomblin plans to ask voters to amend the constitution and change that.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly.

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MS: State Senator kicks off Lt. Governor Campaign


State Sen. Billy Hewes officially kicked off his campaign for lieutenant governor Tuesday morning before a crowd of Republicans gathered at the Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport.

Hewes, R-Gulfport, told the Sun Herald more than a year ago he intended to seek the post, and Tuesday morning he began a 10-city tour to make it official. Hewes is hoping to succeed Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, who is running for governor. Party primaries will be Aug. 2, ahead of the Nov. 8 general elections.

Hewes is president pro tem of the state Senate, the 52-member chamber’s second highest post. He told the crowd gathered at the airport Tuesday he had the right experience to be an effective lieutenant governor. Hewes has been in the Senate since 1992.

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Former Governor Gives Gift to Lt. Governor


Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder has received a $300,000 gift from former Gov. Matt Blunt — just in time for the new political year.

Blunt has forgiven a large loan he made to Kinder’s 2008 lieutenant governor’s campaign. The decision frees Kinder to focus on fundraising for his likely challenge of Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon in 2012 instead of on paying off his past political debt.

Jefferson City attorney Jared Craighead, who handles campaign finance issues for Kinder, confirmed to The Associated Press on Thursday that the debt had been canceled. He provided a letter dated Wednesday from Blunt’s brother and campaign treasurer — Andy Blunt — informing Kinder’s committee of the loan forgiveness.

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MS: Lt. Governor makes Governor Bid Official


Considered the front-runner for Mississippi’s top state-wide office, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant is expected today to make official his bid to become the next governor.

Today is the first day for candidates to qualify for state office, and that’s likely to set off a political chain reaction as the Legislature heads back to the Capitol for the 2011 session this week.

“I’ve made no secret of my interest in running for governor,” Bryant recently told The Clarion-Ledger. “I think it is a natural progression as the lieutenant governor and someone who has worked so closely with Gov. (Haley) Barbour.”

Still Bryant’s announcement will pave the way for others to line up their bids for the statewide ballot.

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Indiana: Lt. Governor Says She Won’t Run for Governor in 2012


Indiana Republicans have been waiting to see if Skillman, Sixth District Congressman Mike Pence, or both would seek the governorship. Gov. Mitch Daniels is barred from running for a third term.

“Becky would have made a superb governor, ready in every respect and Hoosier to her core,” Daniels says.

Pence, who’s also been considering a run for president, issued a statement declaring Hoosiers owe Skillman a “debt of gratitude,” and expressing relief that her health issues are minor.

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