Today is Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

MO AG: Guess Who? (Video)

Guess who:

1)  Accepted campaign contribution from someone linked to the Gambino crime family

2) Been hit twice with Federal tax liens

3)  Been arrested for writing a hot check

4)  Fired a whistleblower who was assisting with an FBI corruption investigation

Give up?

NV SD 6: Dem Candidate Allison Copening Running a Negative Campaign (Video)

You can see the signs of negative campaigns all around us. Whos behind this negative campaign? Allison Copening and her political allies.


NV SD 5: Dem Candiate Shirley Breeden – The Wrong Choice

Studies show Clark County schools are in trouble. Shirley Breeden, worked for the school district and now wants to be in the state senate. Yet, when asked a question about school spending, the Sun reported Breeden had no idea and looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

WA AG: Who Puts Washington Families First? (Video)

Washington expects an attorney general who will protect consumers.  But John Ladenburg puts big government before Washington families.  Ladenburg wanted to raise taxes by $18 billion, costing families almost $300 a year.

OK: Meet Dan Newberry (Video)

Meet Oklahoma state senate candidate Dan Newberry.  Hes not a career politician.  He’s a future leader.  

OH: GOP AG Candidate Releases First Ad (Video)

In the race for Ohio Attorney General, the Republican candidate Mike Crites has released his first media ad.  Great spot – say isn’t that Norm Coleman?  Good luck with that.

NC AG Update: Bob Crumley’s On The Air (Video)

North Carolina A.G. candidate Bob Crumley is on the air in North Carolina – and he’s taking it incumbent Democrat Roy Cooper.  Criminals are like cockroaches!  We love it!

Indiana: GOP AG Candidate and Governor Team Up in Campaign Commercial

Governor Mitch Daniels and Republican Attorney General Candidate Greg Zoeller team up in “School Discipline”.

From GoMitch08:

NV State Senate: Fighting (Resume) Inflation

Democrat Allison Copening is running in Senate District 6 to unseat State Senator Bob Beers – a commonsense leader in Carson City with a stellar record of putting Nevada taxpayers first. Beers has an untouchable record on the issues. During the recent 2007 legislative session Senator Beers worked tirelessly to: to prevent a tax hike by funding over $2 billion in new road construction with existing government revenue; to require Clark County school administrators to teach a couple of times a year in order to better lead teachers; to require principals to observe a teacher teaching before writing a performance review. This eliminated a longstanding and unjust practice in the Clark County School District; and lastly to increase Nevada homeowners’ “homestead exemption”, protecting their most important asset.

Copening on the other hand appears to trumpet her experience in student government at Bonanza High School as one of her key qualifications to help lead Nevada through these trying times. After her recent interview and debate performances, it probably is best if she go on a statewide listening tour – for her sake avoiding the 6th Senate District at all costs.

Vermont AG Gets Tasered (Video)

Vermont’s Democrat A.G. Bill Sorrell was tasered earlier by Vermont cops. This is not a joke.

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