Today is Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

PA AG Update: The Face of Victory? (Video)

Republican A.G. Tom Corbett faces this man in the General Election in November. Candidate MorganelliWatch the video, and let us know if this doesn’t exactly sound like a candidate who’s marching to the beat of victory – or more like resignation of a sacrificial farm animal. After watching this vid, we get the sense that this candidate might just be political road kill.

Rick Astley and Politics (Video)

Sorry, we got this last week from a reader, and are just now getting around to passing it on. If you haven’t seen this, consider it a sequel to another funny we posted sometime back (it involved laser eye beams). Don’t know who has better moves – Ellen, or this guy?

OH AG Special: What Are The Blogs Saying

The no-surprise endorsement of Ohio Democrat Governor Ted Strickland of Democrat State Treasurer Richard Cordray as the Democrat nominee in the upcoming special election to replace disgraced Democrat A.G. Marc Dann has stirred up the Ohio blog community.

From Naugh Blog:

Cordray may not be dumb enough to send dirty email messages to employees, but his philosophy and approach to the Attorney General’s office is still cut from the Eliot Spitzer/Marc Dann mold. He would be the same type of headline grabbing attorney general who will harm Ohio’s business climate, which is the last thing our state needs.

Comments from the Cleveland Plain Dealer Blog:

I’ve got nothing against Cordray, but I find it funny that in every news article there’s never anything about his legal skills, but he sure manages to get in that he won a few times on Jeopardy. Should we start electing our public officials based on how well they did on TV game shows? Hell, we might as well make Alex Trebek the President then, as he has all the answers. Howie Mandel could be the Vice President, and Jeff Foxworthy the governor of Ohio!

From the Ohio Daily Blog:

Speaking of lack of suspense, unless one of the higher profile GOP candidates changes course and gets into the special election on the Republican side, there is little doubt that Cordray will be the overwhelming favorite to win this race.

Oh, and you can check out the first political candidate from candidates of any stripe in this race right here from Independent candidate for A.G. Robert Owens.

Ohio’s going to be very interesting in 2008 – bonus!

What’s DAGA’s phone number?

Would somebody please call the Democrat Attorneys General Association and tell them that their fundraising workhorse Marc Dann – you know the disgraced Democrat A.G. from Ohio who resigned MAY 14TH – is no longer a state attorney general? We know that breaking up is hard to do, but come on – it’s time to take the man’s picture off your website – this is now just flat out embarrassing. Another solid high profile success for the Democrat Attorneys General Association.

This screen shot was taken today at 2:34pm Central time.

Future Leader: Idaho L.G. Jim Risch

As a former county prosecutor, state senator, Lt. Governor, and Governor, Idaho Republican Lt. Governor Jim Risch is a perfect example of what the RSLC is trying to accomplish in the states.

James E. Risch brings a longstanding commitment to public service and a passion for good government to his term as Idaho’s 37th Lieutenant Governor. Known for “pragmatic decision-making,” Risch is what his peers call a “no-nonsense, get-the-job-done leader” with 37 years of experience in elected office. (See In the News for more information.)

Most recently, Risch served as Idaho’s 31st Governor. During that time, Risch called a special session of the Idaho Legislature to bring much needed property tax relief to Idaho taxpayers. This act created a strong and protected source of funding for Idaho public schools.

The recruitment, training, and election of state and local candidates like Jim Risch doesn’t happen without your financial support. Support the RSLC right now, so we can elect more commonsense Republicans, like Jim Risch, to state and local offices across the nation.

You can read more about Jim Risch here.

Today, Jim Risch is the Idaho Republican nominee for U.S. Senate.

Ohio AG’s Office Under State Police Lockdown (Video)

Protecting sensitive documents. Developing…

The blogs are afire…. Rumors are swirling that Dann was escorted out of the building. And now it looks like Dann is out to lunch. Literally. What is going on over there? We’ll keep you updated.

A press conference by Attorney General Marc Dann will not be held and the 17th floor of the Rhodes Tower where his office is located is apparently on lock-down to protect sensitive documents that may be subject to investigation.

The State Highway Patrol is in the attorney general’s offices, checking employee badges and monitoring to see if documents are being removed from the floor, sources told The Dispatch. Troopers were even searching the purses of employees leaving the offices.

Whether the patrol was working at with Inspector General Thomas P. Charles, who promised to launch an investigation today, could not immediately be confirmed.

Dann’s spokesman, Jason Stanford, said this morning Dann would have a press conference at noon. “ Attendance is mandatory,” Stanford said. As noon came and went, Stanford could not be reached for further comment.

Read the Rest…

UPDATE: The Mahoning Valley Tribune Chronicle is reporting potential Democrat replacements could be: L.G. Lee Fisher, State Treasurer Richard Cordray, and higher ed chancellor Eric Fingerhut.

The Free Times has a fun piece on Dann’s sultan of spin – looks like they dug a little deeper on Mr. Dann’s crisis manager only to find that…you should just read it. After you read the piece, you’ll probably conclude that Marc Dann’s “spingali” (it’s a made up word, relax) is just like the other, now former, members of his inner circle.
At this rate this is all going, Marc Dann is going to be the captain of the dream team.

The Democrat Dream Team (Video)

No, this Dream Team doesn’t have M.J., Magic, the Hick from French Lick, the Glide, Sir Chuck, the Mailman, or the Admiral…it’s just three Generals you should be very afraid of…

Boy George and A.G. Races (Video)

What exactly does Boy George, think more 80’s Boy George, and not the more recent Boy George, have to do with the Democrat primary race to replace outgoing Missouri Democrat A.G. Jay Nixon? Well, we didn’t know either until an enterprising Missouri Democrat put this quality MTV look together to help Democrat primary voters sort out the differences among the three Dem candidates (Chris Koster, Jeff Harris, and Margaret Donnelly).

Collective Bargaining and Public Employees (Video)

Iowa Republican leader Christopher Rants spends a few minutes talking about collective bargaining legislation that is winding its way through the Iowa legislature. While his comments are totally Iowa centric, it’s not hard to see that what he’s talking about could happen in your state government. He got some pretty scary scenarios about how collective bargaining can protect bad, or even dangerous public employees.

FL: AG Talks Spitzer On Fox (Video)

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum on Fox Business Channel. Video below the fold:

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