Today is Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Mississippi AG Update (Video)

A local blogger made a blog quality connection between contributions to Jim Hood and receipt of state legal contracts. Now Republican Al Hopkins has put some real high quality production values behind a similar message and put it up on statewide t.v. This game is on.

Via Y’all Politics

Virginia Senate Update: District 29 (Video)

The Democrat Senator From Virginia’s 29th District has some great deals for law breakers in Virginia….and bad deals for its citizens.

Virginia State Senate Update: District 39 (Video)

We have enjoyed highlighting the seeming lack of leadership by Virginia Democrats these past few months.

In keeping with that groovy theme, we thought we’d provide some insight into Democrat state senate candidate, District 39, George Barker’s vision for moving Virginia forward. Based on his comments in an interview – apparently – punting on the issue – is considered moving Virginia forward in Democrat circles. Barker’s opponent is Republican State Senator Jay O’Brien.

Meet LA Dem AG Candidate “Buddy” Caldwell (Video)

Just picked this up off the net – the Louisiana Republican Party’s effort to tell voters that Democrat Buddy Caldwell is no great alternative to Democrat A.G. Charles Foti. I guess that leaves Republican A.G. candidate Royal Alexander as the only alternative for the folks in Louisiana, right?

Mississippi A.G. Race Update (Video)

Retired Major General, and now Republican Attorney General candidate Al Hopkins, is up on the airwaves with his first campaign commercial in his effort to oust Mississippi’s Democrat Attorney General Jim Hood (he’s the boy wonder of the legal community). And don’t worry – the video’s there – Youtube’s just being grumpy.

Louisiana A.G. Race Update (Video)

Republican Attorney General Candidate Royal Alexander is up on T.V. in the contest to oust incumbent Democrat Attorney General Charles Foti. Republicans like Alexander’s prospects in the race given Foti’s steady stream of negative press since Hurricane Katrina made landfall in ’05.

Virginia Transporation – the real story (Video)

Those Virginia Democrats are great – it’s a good thing they don’t try to score cheap political points on issues that have a real impact on Virginia families.

Yes Virginia, just imagine (Video)

If this is the face of responsible Democrat leadership in Virginia, the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia have some real worrying to do.

Kentucky Democrat AG Candidate Jack Conway (Video)

Earlier Kentucky Democrat A.G. candidate Jack Conway was comparing himself to Bobby Kennedy. Now who’s he trying to emulate?

Conway’s opponent in the General Election is Republican State Representative Stan Lee.

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