Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Pennsylvania’

PA: Governor Wants Convention for Legislative Reform


A state constitutional convention is the best way to achieve legislative branch reforms, but the impetus for one will have to come from the next governor, lame-duck Gov. Ed Rendell said Wednesday.

Rendell discussed several issues regarding the election of his successor at a wide-ranging press conference.

He said the next governor should waste no time putting the wheels in motion for a convention that would address a limited number of issues. But Rendell observed he has too little time before leaving office in January to launch the process himself.

“If I were governor-elect, I would meet during the transition period with legislative leaders to begin the process,” Rendell said. “If I had two more years to go, I would have begun the process.”

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PA: Republicans Look to Regain Power in State House


Republicans’ 12-year reign in the state House came to an end in November 2006 — an election marked by voter anger over legislators’ middle-of-the-night attempt to raise their own pay — when many incumbents of both parties were sent packing.

Democrats have controlled the chamber for more than three years, but that could change in November. The party holds an edge of only 104-99, and with polls showing that Republicans could do well this year both in Pennsylvania and nationally, Republicans are bent on recapturing power.

“Given the national mood and the House districts that will be ‘in play’ this November,” said Harrisburg-based Republican political strategist Charlie Gerow, “there’s no question that Republicans believe they have a very good shot at regaining control of the state House.”

Their enthusiasm stems from several sources, including Republican Scott Brown’s recent upset victory in a U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts and GOP wins for governor seats in New Jersey and Virginia.

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PA: GOP Sweep Predicted

From Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

Pennsylvania will be the “epicenter” of sweeping change that’s coming in national elections this fall, political strategist and author Dick Morris told a gathering of 500 conservatives Friday night.

Morris was the keynote speaker at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference, the premier annual gathering for grassroots activists and groups touting conservative causes.

The former adviser to President Clinton, and a favorite of many conservatives for his stinging rebukes of the Clintons and of President Obama, predicted Republicans will sweep the House and Senate races to take control of Congress, stop the health care law in its tracks and force a government shutdown when Obama vetoes the reversal.

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PA: AG Corbett to take on Health Care Plan

From Post

Attorney General Tom Corbett, a Republican candidate for governor, said he plans to file suit to challenge the imposition of federal health care legislation in Pennsylvania.

Kevin Harley, a spokesman for Mr. Corbett, said his office was conferring with attorneys general from 10 other states on the specific grounds for the challenge. Rep. Sam Rohrer, R-Berks, Mr. Corbett’s rival for the GOP nomination, also denounced the Democratic measure, contending that its requirement for individuals to purchase health insurance violates the Constitution. Separately, three measures have been or are about to be introduced in the state Legislature contesting aspects of the ambitious federal effort to change the health care landscape.

The developments were part of a gathering storm of GOP efforts to block or repeal the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s domestic agenda. Statements from Mr. Corbett and Mr. Rohrer Monday were consistent with the advice they heard at a recent Republican State Committee meeting when Fox News commentator Dick Morris advised GOP candidates that the key to GOP victories in November was to nationalize the elections around issues such as health care.

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PA: ‘Tax Hike’ not in Lawmakers’ Vocab

From Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

“Given the troubles in the labor market, consumers being conservative in spending, all indications are that this will be another difficult year for state revenues,” Sweet said. “Even the next fiscal year, because employment will be slow to recover in Pennsylvania, you’d expect another difficult year for revenues.”

Republican leaders are talking about cutting state spending and trying to help the private sector create jobs. Democratic leaders are talking about using state programs, such as job training or low-interest loans, to help the jobless get employment and encourage employers to hire.

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PA: State GOP Endorses Attorney General Corbett for Governor


HARRISBURG – White-haired and assured, a candidate from central casting, Attorney General Tom Corbett captured the endorsement for governor from the Republican State Committee today and assumed the leadership of a party brimming with confidence for across-the-board electoral gains in Pennsylvania.

But just down the hall, conservative state Rep. Sam Rohrer was holding a daylong counter-convention for his own campaign for the GOP nomination for governor, drawing 350 right-wing activists from evangelical churches, home-schooling associations and the anti-tax “Tea Party” movement.

It was a reminder that despite the balloon drops and cheering in the main ballroom, divisions remain between establishment Republicans and many of the grassroots conservatives the party needs for victory.

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PA: Poll Shows GOP AG Corbett With Lead Over Democrats

From Rasmussen Reports:

State Attorney General Tom Corbett continues to hold big leads over three potential Democratic rivals in this year’s race for governor in Pennsylvania.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows Corbett leading former Congressman Joe Hoeffel 51% to 29%. Against Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato, he leads 52% to 26%. When State Auditor Jack Wagner is his Democratic opponent, Corbett is ahead 49% to 28%.

However, in all three match-ups, at least 15% of voters remain undecided at this point.

Last month, Corbett, by far the leading GOP gubernatorial contender, held roughly two-to-one leads over four potential Democrats but earned less than 50% support in every match-up.

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PA: Dem House Speaker not running for re-elect

From The Morning Call:

Putting a cap on three decades in public life, state House Speaker Keith McCall, D-Carbon, said Tuesday he will not run for re-election this fall.

In a statement, McCall, 50, said he opted against seeking a 15th term representing the 122nd District because he wants to put his family ahead of the day-to-day grind of the Legislature.

”I first came to Harrisburg as a single 22-year-old man following in my father’s footsteps,” he said. ”Now I have a wonderful wife and two amazing children — all of whom I owe not only my thanks, but also a lot of missed dinners, football and baseball games, volleyball games and help with homework.”

McCall and his wife, Betty, have two children, a girl, Courtney, 11, and son, Keith Robert, 9. They live in Summit Hill.

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