Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Tennessee’

TN: GOP in Lead for Legislative Control


Republicans begin the campaign for partisan control over the 107th General Assembly with a substantial head start over Democrats in the number of races already decided in their favor.

In the state House, where 50 seats are needed for a majority, Republicans already have won 30. In the Senate, where 17 seats constitute a majority, they are assured of having 14 when the next Legislature convenes in January.

Democrats, on the other hand, are assured of having 18 seats in the House and nine in the Senate.

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TN: Democrat Needs Ride; Calls Fire Truck to pick him up

From the Tennessean:

A prominent state House Democrat said today that he didn’t do anything wrong when he called a fire station for help after a traffic stop for speeding.

Television station WTVF in Nashville reported that Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Turner, who is a local fire captain, was found to have an invalid license when he was pulled over last Friday morning.

Turner said there was a fire station nearby but the officer wouldn’t let him drive, and his family was out of town. Turner said he then called the station and a fire engine picked him up and a firefighter drove his car back to the station.

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TN Lt. Governor Wants AG’s Legal Opinion on Health Care


Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey formally requested a legal opinion Tuesday from Attorney General Bob Cooper on whether there are any grounds to block a health care reform bill passed by the U.S. Senate from becoming law.

Cooper and Gov. Phil Bredesen both subsequently issued statements saying Ramsey, a Republican candidate for governor, is premature in his request since the legislation has not become law.

As a legislator, Ramsey has a right to request advice on legal issues from the attorney general.

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