Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Oregon: Democrats and their “Ridiculous” Mailer

From PolitiFact Oregon:

Wand was a member of the budget subcommittee that suggested the stipend. But the idea was proposed by Tanney Staffenson, chairman of the Troutdale budget committee, according to the minutes provided by Future PAC (Page 10).

And get this: Wand signed a form declining the stipend on June 8, 2010. That’s right. He didn’t even take the opportunity to “protect his own pocketbook.”

So, it’s inaccurate to say that Wand cut the police force when he didn’t. It’s inaccurate to say that he selfishly created a “slush fund” for his own expenses, when he didn’t. This attack on Wand’s character — remember, he is pictured next to a slogan that reads “to protect and serve … himself” — shows a reckless disregard for the truth. Even in political advertising.

This mailer is not only false, it’s ridiculous. We rate this Pants on Fire.

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CO: Republican AG and Secretary of State Candidates endorsed


Stan Garnett, Boulder County’s district attorney and the Democratic candidate for state attorney general, thinks Attorney General John Suthers is too political.

“The attorney general should be the people’s lawyer,” Garnett said at a recent debate between the two candidates for the office.

Suthers, however, told the Times-Call this week that in his lengthy legal career, he’s been accused of “not being political enough.”

Garnett has accused Suthers of being an ideologue and criticized him for joining other states in a lawsuit against the provision in health care legislation that mandates every American have health insurance.

Suthers sees that move as defending federalism and, by extension, the state and all Coloradans. Suthers says the provision in question is an unprecedented expansion of federal power over states that could lead to other mandates. If the federal government can order citizens to purchase health insurance, nothing can stop it in the future from mandating that everyone install solar panels or purchase fuel-efficient vehicles, rather than the current practice of offering rebates or tax incentives to further such causes.

If that happens, Suthers asks, “What’s left of federalism? I submit, not much.”

Whatever you think of the health care legislation, Suthers makes a compelling argument that he’s doing his job of protecting Coloradans, rather than being too political.

We tend to agree.

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WI: Conservative Voters to be Heard


If the polls are any guide, the 2 million or more Wisconsinites who turn out to vote Nov. 2 could be one of the most conservative electorates this state has seen in decades.

Things could change of course, and a late surge of interest in the election by Democrats could close the so-called “enthusiasm gap” between the parties.

But one of the most striking trends in surveys here and nationally is that conservatives are outnumbering moderates among likely voters – a reversal of the voting mix in past elections.

Whether that pattern holds on election day, many pollsters and political strategists agree that the 2010 electorate will feature a different blend of voters – older, whiter, more conservative – than turned out in the 2008 presidential race or even in the last midterm election in 2006.

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Watch RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie on “Face The Nation”

Check out the video below of RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie on CBS Face the Nation.

RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie on CBS Face the Nation

Tune in tomorrow morning to watch RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie on Face the Nation. Check out the Face the Nation website for more info.

VA AG Campaigns with Alabama Republican AG Candidate

Check out GOP Candidate Luther Strange’s website for complete coverage.

Luther Strange and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli spent the day touring Alabama and discussing the key role that attorneys general play in enforcing state law as well as preserving the balance of power between the state and federal governments. Attorney General Cuccinelli has been a leader in fighting the health insurance mandate pushed through Congress last year by the Obama administration and he discussed this battle and other issues he sees on the horizon.

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OK: Senators Argue who is going to be next Lt. Governor


Two candidates vying for the position as Oklahoma’s next lieutenant governor both said they will fight to create and keep jobs in the state.

Kenneth Corn and Todd Lamb are both senators and deacons and say they have the same goal, but they differ on who is the best man for the job of Oklahoma’s lieutenant governor.

Lamb, a Republican, said he wants to keep companies in Oklahoma and wants to know what impedes their opportunities for growth.

“I want to be a very aggressive and tenacious ambassador on behalf of Oklahoma and focus on job retention and job growth,” said Lamb.

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MI Dem AG nominee settled legal malpractice claim for $50k

From Michigan GOP:

In 2003, Democrat candidate for attorney general David Leyton settled a malpractice suit filed against him for more than $50,000.

“David Leyton wants to be the state’s top attorney, but he isn’t talented enough to be late-night tv’s top ambulance chaser,” said Michigan Republican Party Communications Director Jennifer Hoff. “Even small mistakes from the attorney general ruin lives. How can we trust Leyton with the job when he can’t read the key parts of legal documents, let alone the fine print?”

In 1997, David Leyton sued the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash and then advised his client to sign a release before suing two of the three intended defendants, absolving them of responsibility. The client did so and her case against them was thrown out because of the release. She turned around and sued Leyton for the gaffe, and the two settled for more than $50,000 in damages.

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Democrat Secretary of State Tells employee to “get involved” with Republican Party


Embattled Secretary of State Mary Herrera wanted one of her exempt employees to “get involved” with the Republican Party to try to discourage the GOP from fielding a candidate for secretary of state this year.

That’s according to former SOS public information officer James Flores, who was fired by Herrera last month.

The alleged plan, of course, didn’t work. The Republicans nominated state Sen. Dianna Duran, a former Otero County clerk, to run for the office.

In a Jan. 21, 2010 e-mail from Herrera to Flores — a copy of which I obtained last week — Herrera wrote, “I asked you a long time ago to get involved in the R party, you didn’t and now they are looking for someone to run against me.”

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Ohio: Republican AG Candidate Up 6 in latest Poll

From Business First:

The Suffolk University poll also found that Republican Rob Portman has opened up a 10-point lead over Democrat Lee Fisher (47-37 percent) in the Ohio race for U.S. Senate. Independent Michael Pryce has 4 percent, and 7 percent of respondents say they remain undecided. Another 4 percent said they would vote or lean towards someone not on the ballot.

In the other statewide races, the poll found:

• Republican Mike DeWine (44 percent) leading Democrat Richard Cordray (38 percent) in the attorney general’s race.

• Democrat Maryellen O’Shaughnessy (40 percent) ahead of Republican Jon Husted (33 percent) for secretary of state.

• Democrat Kevin Boyce (37 percent) leading Republican Josh Mandel (34 percent) for treasurer.

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