Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Alabama: 11 Arrests in Bingo Corruption


In their offices and along bar stools after work, lobbyists and politicians speculated feverishly about what would become of it.

On Monday, they found out.

Four state senators, three lobbyists and two powerful and politically connected businessmen were among 11 people arrested and charged by federal investigators with being part of a wide-ranging conspiracy in which lawmakers were offered generous campaign contributions in exchange for pro-gambling votes. All are facing possible jail time.

At a hearing in Montgomery, Ala., on Monday afternoon, Terry Moorer, a United States magistrate judge, did not allow any of the defendants to enter a plea, though they were all let out on bail. The next hearing is set for Oct. 15.

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Latest Florida Poll has Republican Pam Bondi up


It also shows Pam Bondi leading Dan Gelber, 38% to 26%, in the contest for Florida Attorney General, Jeff Atwater leading Loranne Ausley 38% to 24% for Chief Financial Officer, and Adam Putnam leading Scott Mattox , 36% to 28% for Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Commissioner.

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Republican has big lead in Attorney General Race


Incumbent John Suthers (R-Colorado) leads his challenger, Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett (D-Colorado), 43 to 25 percent. In the Treasurer’s race, challenger Walker Stapleton (R-Colorado) is ahead of incumbent Cary Kennedy (D-Colorado), 38 to 27 percent. The candidates seeking to become the next Secretary of State is very close according to the poll with challenger Scott Gessler (R-Colorado) receiving 28 percent and incumbent Bernie Buescher (D-Colorado) earning 25 percent.

In all of those races, a larger number of independent voters are saying they support Republican candidates instead of Democratic ones.

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Denver Post Endorses Republican AG for Seconds Term

From the

he race for attorney general will never generate the sort of political and media excitement of other statewide races, but in practical terms it’s hugely important.

Colorado’s attorney general is charged with enforcing the state’s consumer protection and antitrust laws, prosecuting white-collar crimes and taking on certain natural resource and environmental matters. The AG represents the state’s interests in criminal appeals and manages an office of hundreds of employees, including lawyers who handle thousands of legal issues annually.

We are fortunate that both candidates this year — Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett, a Democrat, and Colorado’s current AG, Republican John Suthers — are highly qualified and have the capability and experience to serve the office well. But after studying and meeting with both candidates, we think Suthers is the best choice for Colorado.

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MN: Redistricting Looms over Election


If Democrats don’t defeat U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann at the ballot box this fall, they likely will try to draw her out of her seat after the election.

U.S. Reps. Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison are odds-on favorites to be re-elected next month. But if Republicans get a chance, they’re almost certain to create a single, new Minneapolis-St. Paul district and knock one of them off in 2012.

Those are some of the high-profile offices at stake when the next Minnesota Legislature tackles the once-in-a-decade process of redrawing the state’s political boundaries after new U.S. census figures are released early next year.

Though jobs, the economy and a state budget awash in red ink are the big issues in the current state campaigns, you can bet redistricting is in the back of every legislative and congressional candidate’s mind.

Under the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1964 “one person, one vote” ruling, the Legislature must draw new lines after each decennial census to ensure that Minnesota’s 201 legislative and eight U.S. House districts have equal populations. That job will fall to the 67 state senators and 134 state representatives who are elected Nov. 2.

For lawmakers, redistricting is intensely personal and can be fiercely partisan. Each legislator’s political career is at stake, as is control of the Legislature and the Minnesota congressional delegation for the next decade.

“This is really a 10-year election,” said Michael Brodkorb, deputy chairman of the state
Republican Party.

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Corruption in Alabama; Arrests Made


MONTGOMERY, Alabama — Milton McGregor, the owner of Alabama’s largest casino; 4 state senators, including Harri Anne Smith; and several top lobbyists have been indicted on federal charges accusing them of vote buying on a bill to legalize electronic bingo.

Smith was arrested at her Slocomb home this morning by state police, then carried to the federal courthouse in Montgomery.

Also arrested on Monday were Milton McGregor, the owner of the VictoryLand bingo casino and one of the most power pro-gambling forces in the state; state senators Jim Preuitt, R-Talladega, Quinton Ross, D-Montgomery, Larry Means, D-Attalla; and Montgomery lobbyist Jerrod Massey.

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AG Tom Miller’s Reality Check

From Caffeinated Thoughts:

Miller Interview Riddled With Misinformation, Distortions and False Character Attacks. Why Can’t Iowa’s Attorney General Stick to the Truth?


In an interview in today’s Spencer Daily Reporter Attorney General Tom Miller made several claims that are either misinformation, distortions or just plain wrong. Here are some of Miller’s most egregious claims that need to be set straight.

Miller quote: “My passion is using the law for the interest of ordinary Iowans: not special interests, not the big guys,” he told The Daily Reporter.

Reality check: Then why did Tom Miller accept $10,000 from the DeCosters, the only habitual violators in Iowa, after prosecuting them?

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Federal Issues are Key in Georgia AG Race


Clashes over federal policy don’t usually dominate the debate in the campaign for Georgia’s next attorney general.

But Republican Sam Olens and Democrat Ken Hodges have sparred over whether Georgia should adopt an immigration law that mirror’s Arizona’s new crackdown in the runup to the Nov. 2 election.

And they have butted heads over how to respond to the sweeping health care overhaul adopted by Congress this year.

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Don’t Miss RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie on CNN’s State of the Union this Sunday

RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie will be on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, October 3rd.

You can learn more on the CNN Website.

AL: Democrat AG Candidate Takes Heat for Republican/Christian Comment


The Cherokee County Herald reports that Democrat nominee for Attorney General James Anderson questioned the faith of all Republicans during a recent luncheon in Centre. The paper quotes the holier-than-thou Anderson’s claim that you can not be a Christian and be a Republican:

“Well I don’t know how you can say you are a Christian and be a Republican.”(Cherokee Herald 9/27, full article found HERE

Rep. Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn), Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party blasted Anderson’s assertion as ignorance, arrogance and just one more reason James Anderson is wrong for Alabama.

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