Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

MO: AG Tries to Block Lt. Governor’s move on Health Care Suit


Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster is trying to block the state from becoming involved in a lawsuit over the federal health care overhaul.

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder filed a lawsuit last week in federal court challenging the federal health care law. Kinder, a Republican, sued in his personal and official capacities and is raising private funds to pay for the lawsuit.

The attorney general contends Kinder should not be allowed to sue in his official capacity and wants that part of the lawsuit dismissed. Koster left the Republican Party and became a Democrat in 2007.

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A Look at NY Attorney General Race

From Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

Six candidates are running for New York attorney general. Five are in a Sept. 14 Democratic primary. The winner will face Republican Daniel Donovan Nov. 2. They are:

Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, 45, of Locust Valley. Former assistant U.S. attorney in Philadelphia. Former assistant district attorney in Brooklyn. Graduate of Catholic University and Touro Law School

State Sen. Eric Schneiderman, 55, of Manhattan. Giving up re-election to his legislative seat to run. Chairs the Senate Codes Committee. Former attorney in private practice, federal judge’s law clerk, Berkshire County, Mass., sheriff’s deputy. Graduate of Amherst College and Harvard Law School.

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Ohio: New PAC takes on Democrat Secretary of State

MI: AG Candidates have their First

RSLC REDMAP Rundown – September 28th, 2010


Welcome to this week’s edition of REDMAP Rundown, a synopsis of redistricting news brought to you by the RSLC’s REDistricting MAjority Project (REDMAP).  This weekly update gives you the latest on what those in the Beltway, and across the country, are saying about the impending reapportionment and redistricting process.

In this week’s REDMAP Rundown: New predictions, 2010’s consequences, Finishing strong, Raising the stakes, Hanging in the balance and the Wave that’s about to hit …

“Ten states, including Illinois, New York and Ohio, could lose seats in the House of Representatives, according to new predictions that underscore the battles already brewing over how to draw congressional district boundaries.”  USA Today reports, “Florida, South Carolina, Texas and five other states could gain House seats by the 2012 election as part of the once-in-a-decade apportionment process triggered by the Census, estimates by the non-partisan Election Data Services show.  Chris Jankowski, who directs the redistricting effort for the Republican State Leadership Committee, predicts the GOP could add as many as 25 seats in Congress depending on how boundary lines are drawn in key states. The group is ready to spend $20 million to elect Republican state lawmakers who could affect the process, he said.  ‘We see a tremendous opportunity to impact control of Congress in 2012 through the state elections that are about to take place,’ Jankowski said.”

Peter Roff writes in U.S. News and World Reports, “It’s beginning to look like the Democrats are going to have to deal with the consequences of the 2010 election for a very, very long time.  The Republican State Leadership Committee, an organization that focuses on GOP state legislative races reports that the American political landscape has changed dramatically over the last two years. ‘The 2010 state legislative elections,’ the committee says, ‘have become a referendum on the Democrat approach to the economy and government spending at all levels.’  The committee’s September’s 2010 analysis says, ‘In state after state, Democrat governors and legislatures responded to the economic crisis by increasing taxes and failing to cut spending, mirroring the approach so aggressively pursued by President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats.’  The upshot of all this is that the move by voters, especially independents, back toward the Republicans could hand the GOP the pens with which it can redraw congressional lines in a number of important states–thus altering the makeup of the Congress for the next decade.”

“Earlier today, National Review Online caught up with Ed Gillespie, the chairman of the Republican State Leadership Committee, outside of the Newseum. We asked Gillespie, a former counselor to Pres. George W. Bush and RNC chairman, about what the GOP needs to do to finish strong in the final stretch of the midterm campaign.”

“The stakes are high: More than 6,100 state legislative seats and a record 37 governorships are up for grabs Nov. 2. The winners will influence policy on everything from taxes to implementation of the nation’s health care law. They will draw new boundaries for legislative and congressional districts that will long shape the political landscape,” reports USA Today.  “The Republican Governors Association (RGA) collected a record $58.3 million through June 30, compared with $40.4 million for its Democratic counterpart, federal records show. The Republican State Leadership Committee had a more than 3-to-1 fundraising edge over the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee at the end of August.”

“Hanging in the balance is which party will win control of the 100-member Indiana House not just for the next two years, but also potentially for the next decade. To the winner goes the power to either boost or block Gov. Mitch Daniels’ agenda in his final two years as governor and the authority to draw the state’s legislative maps.  House Minority Leader Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, and others say voters know what’s at stake.  ‘Most folks that I talk to are aware that this is a critical election,’ said Bosma, who blames the Democrat-drawn maps of 2000 for his party holding only 48 of the 100 House seats.  ‘Many presume that critical element is due to what’s going on in Washington, D.C. But a big handful of people — normal, everyday folks — understand that the General Assembly elected this year will really pre-select legislative and congressional leaders for the next decade. Not the people, but the party.’”

And finally, Stuart Rothenberg writes, “Everyone agrees a political wave will hit on Nov. 2, though Democrats and Republicans disagree on the size of it. Some see a ‘normal’ political wave, while others expect a political tsunami.  Obviously, with reapportionment and redistricting on the schedule for 2011 and 2012, a huge Republican victory has larger ramifications than merely who will control the House for the next two years.  Waves seem to work themselves down the ballot, and a national Republican Congressional wave surely is going to be mirrored by strong GOP gains in state legislatures and gubernatorial contests.”

The RSLC is the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot state-level Republican office-holders. To sign up for the REDMAP Rundown, or for more information or media inquiries, please contact Adam Temple at 571.480.4891.

MA: GOP House Leader Alleges Political Blackmail on Spending Bill


House Minority Leader Bradley Jones said today he’s prepared to permit a $400 million spending bill to advance in the Legislature if Democratic leaders answer his questions.

Holding up copies of the spending plan, as well as a pair of spending bills Gov. Deval Patrick filed in June, Jones said the Patrick administration has offered little data to support the spending amounts that Democratic leaders have said are necessary to prevent jails from closing, homeless shelters from cutting off services and Medicaid recipients from losing benefits.

“The frustrating thing for us is, yesterday we had the political blackmail of people dying in the streets, jails closing – nobody could tell you what jails are going to close,” Jones said. “It’s okay for the governor to have questions about some aspects of it, but for me to have question about it … is somehow unreasonable.”

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NY GOP AG Candidate says AG shouldn’t stand for “Aspiring Governor”

From Capitol Confidential:

“Earlier this year, I publicly pledged that if I was elected Attorney General, I would not run for higher office as the sitting Attorney General. I wanted to restore New Yorkers’ confidence that they were electing someone focused on the job at hand – not on their own future career aspirations. I believe that by making this pledge, it de-politicizes the office and sends a reassuring message that every decision I make as Attorney General is based on facts and evidence, not on a desire to use the office as a stepping stone to further my own personal ambitions.

“Today I am calling on my opponent to take the same public pledge. New Yorkers deserve to know State Senator Schneiderman’s view on this matter. Voters are tired of the fact that for too long, ‘A.G.’ has stood for ‘Aspiring Governor,’ not Attorney General. The job of Attorney General is a critical one, and it is one that should be conducted properly, without any interference or influence of political or personal considerations.

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Pols are Nervous in IL


But the House Republicans point to recent history as a guide. Two years ago right about now, they thought they were doing OK against the Barack Obama Democratic tide. They believed their losses would be manageable. By mid-October, the Obama wave was in full force, and there wasn’t anything they could do about it.

Pretty much the same thing happened in 1994. September polling showed problems, but the Democrats thought it could be contained and they derided the House Republicans for jumping into several new races where nobody gave them a chance. By the middle of October, the bottom fell out. And it was even worse come Election Day when Democratic voters failed to show up. The Republicans won just about every one of those contested races.

It’s no coincidence that the House Republicans say they’re planning a move into new races in the coming days. They’re following their own playbook.

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Newspaper: Schmidt is the Right Choice for AG


It is time to talk about leadership. Our state will continue to face many challenges over the next several years. We need excellent leadership to address these challenges; Derek Schmidt is the leader the state of Kansas needs as its attorney general.

Derek and I became acquainted when we worked as staff attorneys for Gov. Bill Graves. Derek already had broad experience at both the state and federal levels. Government attorneys face unique legal issues that involve the careful balance of legal arguments with public policy. I soon observed Derek’s impressive ability to analyze and comprehend the issues facing our state and formulate sound public policy to address them.

Since that time, I’ve worked with Derek in his leadership roles for the Kansas Senate. Derek has diligently and effectively crafted criminal and civil laws critical to the safety and well-being of Kansas citizens, including Jessica’s Law, which puts violent sex offenders who prey on children in prison for life.

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Business Group Endorses GOP AG Candidate Pam Bondi


Republican candidate for Attorney General Pam Bondi has been endorsed by Florida’s main advocate for small businesses.

The National Federation of Independent Business endorsed Bondi on Monday mainly because she supports Florida’s lawsuit against the national health care plan.

Bondi said she is honored to receive the endorsement of the NFIB. “They’re one of the most respectable organizations and they represent everything our state stands for: businesses and our consumers, and helping to bring jobs to Florida and keep jobs in Florida…”

Bondi has said the federal health care law is unconstitutional, and has promised to continue Florida’s lawsuit against the program if she’s elected.

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