Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

MA: Lt. Governor Candidates Debate

From The Daily Free Press:

Well-informed, attentive and freethinking students will change Massachusetts, former State Rep. Paul Loscocco, R-Middlesex, said at a lieutenant governor’s debate on Monday.

Loscocco, Independent Tim Cahill’s running mate, joined Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, State Sen. Richard Tisei, R-Wakefield, and Rick Purcell in a forum for the candidates for lieutenant governor at Curry College in Milton.

Challenges to government officials should be made by students now, Tisei, Republican Chalie Baker’s running mate, said.

“[Massachusetts is] losing a lot of our under-40 population, particularly younger people with advanced degrees and advanced skills, to other states because our state is too expensive, it’s not competitive and people don’t think there’s opportunity,” Tisei said.

However, a failure to retain a younger population is not Massachusetts’ only shortcoming, candidates said.

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Google and Politico Interview with RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie

Oregon Democrats Get “This Year’s Cheapest Shot”


In Oregon, you don’t see a lot of flat-out lies in political campaigns. But the House Democratic campaign committee’s claims that Republican candidates support a 30 percent sales tax are purely and simply false.

And the Democrats know it.

Future Pac, the campaign arm of House Democrats, sent out mailers claiming that three GOP candidates — Shawn Lindsay in Washington County’s District 30, Matt Wand in East Multnomah County’s District 49 and Patrick Sheehan in Clackamas County’s District 51 — support the large sales tax.

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RSLC in the News: Redistricting Gains will Give GOP Lasting Majority

From US News and World Report:

The Republican State Leadership Committee, an organization that focuses on GOP state legislative races reports that the American political landscape has changed dramatically over the last two years. “The 2010 state legislative elections,” the committee says, “have become a referendum on the Democrat approach to the economy and government spending at all levels.”

The committee’s September’s 2010 analysis says, “In state after state, Democrat governors and legislatures responded to the economic crisis by increasing taxes and failing to cut spending, mirroring the approach so aggressively pursued by President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats.”
The upshot of all this is that the move by voters, especially independents, back toward the Republicans could hand the GOP the pens with which it can redraw congressional lines in a number of important states–thus altering the makeup of the Congress for the next decade.

Right now the state leadership committee is projecting the GOP will pick up close to 30 seats combined in the critical, for redistricting purpose, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania state Houses which, when coupled with its control of the state Senates in these states and wins in the gubernatorial contests, will allow the GOP to draw 48 U.S. congressional districts, based on current estimates, without input from the Democrats.

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Ohio State House Leaders Trade Barbs


Leaders of the Ohio House’s Democratic and Republican caucuses have been trading barbs, with angry claims of hypocrisy and mudslinging.

House Speaker Armond Budish, a Democrat from the Cleveland area, launched his caucus’ Rhetoric Reality Tour, aimed at spotlighting differences in Republicans’ campaign speeches and legislative records — specifically related to state spending.

“Now many House Republicans are running around the state expressing outrage over spending issues and claiming to be fiscal conservatives,” Budish said. “But when they controlled the Ohio House, Republicans spent and spent and they created or presided over the largest bureaucracy in state government history.”

He added, “The reality is that it took a Democratic governor and a Democratic House to significantly reduce the size of state government.”

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Newspaper: Elect Republican Pam Bondi as Attorney General


Pam Bondi has practiced law in Tampa for nearly 20 years, proving herself an accomplished prosecutor in the Hillsborough State Attorney’s Office. The frequent television commentator is smart and committed to defending the state as its top lawyer. She should be elected our next attorney general.

She faces an impressive opponent. Dan Gelber of Miami has had a distinguished legal and political career, having worked as a federal prosecutor in Miami and Washington, D.C., and serving the citizens in both the Florida House and Senate. He also is a politician of rare candor.

The attorney general’s job is the second most powerful position in state government, and we’re certain either candidate would work hard for Floridians as chief legal officer and Cabinet member. But in the end, Bondi’s promise, her right-of-center views and her assurance that she is not using the office as a stepping stone to a bigger job convince us that she is the better choice.

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AR: Lt. Governor Candidates Focus on Jobs


Though they’re both running for a mostly ceremonial, part-time job, Democrat Shane Broadway and Republican Mark Darr argue that they can use the Arkansas lieutenant governor’s office to advocate for the state.

The two disagree on how they’ll do it. Broadway says he wants to work with Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe to promote economic development issues. Darr says he’d be a counterweight to national and state Democrats, including Beebe.

The two are locked in a tight race for a job that has few formal responsibilities beyond filling in for the governor when he’s out of state or unable to serve, presiding over the Senate and breaking ties in that chamber. But they’re running to replace Democratic Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, who parlayed the office into a successful campaign for a state-run lottery for college scholarships.

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Ohio: Campaign Ads mean Big Money for TV

From Columbus Dispatch:

The politicians running statewide have dropped more than $17.48 million in campaign cash to get their faces on TV screens across Ohio.

Outside groups, labor unions and political parties have spent an additional $7.6 million.

The Ohio Newspaper Organization, a consortium of the state’s eight largest newspapers, reviewed political advertising records kept by 23 broadcast television stations in five media markets: Akron/Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Youngstown. Those figures cover purchases made since the May primary season and TV time reserved through November.

The numbers keep climbing. Even as reporters checked the files, more advertising contracts were being signed.

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Early Voting Begins in Georgia

From the WashingtonExaminer:

Think you might not be able to make it to the polls on election day? Get your vote in early.

Early voting for the Nov. 2 general election began Friday in some Georgia counties and will be open all over the state Monday.

There are early voting locations all over the state. Voters can check the secretary of state’s office website for early voting locations and hours.

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VP Biden says his AG Son had good chance at Senate Spot this year


Vice President Joe Biden thinks his son “would have had a better than even shot of being senator this time around.” Biden’s comments about Beau give new credence to the distinct possibility that Beau will be running in four years for the seat Joe left to become the nation’s second-highest elected official.

The vice president was speaking at his home at the Naval Observatory in Washington at a reception Wednesday to mark the 16th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, the legislative achievement Joe Biden has many times said was his proudest achievement in his 36 years in the U.S. Senate.

“I was raised to believe that the cardinal sin any human being could commit was abuse of power: economic, physical or any other kind. Violence against women is the very worst abuse,” he told about 100 invited guests, many of them from domestic violence groups.

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