Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

Submit your 2010 Election Questions to RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie

Submit your 2010 election questions at the Politico for David Axelrod and RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie to answer this Monday.

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NC: Democrats send out Completely False Mailer; Face Lawsuit


A Republican candidate for 11th Senate District, which covers Wilson and Nash counties, filed a defamation lawsuit on Thursday against his incumbent rival over a campaign flier.

The lawsuit filed in Wilson County Superior Court claims that Sen. A.B. Swindell and the Democratic Party knowingly made misleading statements against Eldon “Buck” Newton in a campaign mailer.

The flier refers to an incident in 1990 in which Newton was charged with eight counts of drug-related crimes after he was mistakenly implicated in an undercover drug operation.

The charges were dismissed after the Watauga County district attorney discovered the error, saying the incident was a case of mistaken identity. A police officer involved in the operation was later relieved of his duties, according to 1999 documents provided when Newton sought his attorney’s license.

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AR: Lt. Governor Candidate wants to ax franchise tax and health care law

From ArkansasNews:

Mark Darr, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, said today he would work to do away with the state corporate franchise tax and fight the federal health care reform law with a lawsuit of his own if elected in November.

The Rogers businessman said he opposes the $150 annual corporate franchise tax business people pay and would work to get legislation passed to eliminate the levy.

“That’s an unnecessary tax,” Darr said during a news conference at the state Capitol. “That’s $11 million that could be put back into the private sector for creating jobs.”

The Republican said his opponent, Democratic state Sen. Shane Broadway of Bryant was instrumental in getting the tax tripled in 2004.

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Arizona Secretary of State Candidate Touts Experience

From The Arizona Republic:

Secretary of State Ken Bennett on Wednesday promoted his decades of experience in government as evidence that he is qualified to serve as governor if the need comes for him to replace Arizona’s top official.

He said challenger Chris Deschene’s political experience, which includes one term as a state House representative, pales in comparison. Bennett has served as a Prescott councilman and president of the state Senate and was appointed last year to the Secretary of State’s Office by Jan Brewer when she stepped in as governor to replace Janet Napolitano, who took a Cabinet post in Washington, D.C.

In Arizona, the secretary of state steps in if the governor resigns, dies or is removed from office.

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Tennessee GOP Launches New Mobil App

You can check out the app page here:


NASHVILLE, TN – The Tennessee Republican Party announced today they will begin offering mobileDonorTM, a new mobile phone application, to supporters.

mobileDonor is a mobile web application that connects the Tennessee Republican Party to supporters through an array of communications and an easy-to-use donation platform. The service was developed by Kaptivate, a leader in mobile donor engagement, to deliver strategic advantage to Republican caucuses and campaigns.

“We are excited to be partnering with Kaptivate and using their mobileDonor application to help ensure GOP victories this November,” said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney. “This new application helps us stay connected to voters and gives them the ability to provide support to the Party in a simple and convenient manner.”

“In a period of great challenge,” commented Kaptivate CEO Ron Vassallo, “Americans want the means to stay connected to the issues and to act on their convictions. Whether it’s a call to raise funds, spread the word, volunteer, or solicit feedback, mobileDonor enables the Tennessee GOP to convert mobile communications into immediate action. With more than 100 million Americans with web-enabled SmartPhones or iPhones, we’re proud to deliver a technology that can have an impact now.”

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Arizona Republican Tom Horne Leads Democrat in Attorney General Race

From Tom Horne for AG:

Republican Tom Horne has a 45% to 37% lead over Democrat Felecia Rotellini in the Arizona Attorney General race according to a new poll conducted by Moore Information and released today.

The poll was conducted September 1-4 and sampled 500 likely Republican, Democrat and independent voters statewide.

“There is no doubt that voters are responding enthusiastically to my message,” Horne said. “I have pledged to vigorously enforce S.B. 1070 and defend it against the Obama legal assault. I am committed to securing the border and protecting the safety of Arizona citizens. I will join the various other states that are fighting ObamaCare in court, and I will be an Attorney General who will help businesses create jobs. My opponent is locked into the destructive Obama agenda. Rotellini opposes S.B. 1070, has accepted money from unions that boycott Arizona, and she embraces government-mandated health schemes. She is the Obama point person for Arizona, and voters are rejecting her agenda just as they are his.”

SD: Secretary of State Hopefuls Take the Stage


The audience of 15 at the Secretary of State candidate forum on Wednesday got some good background on the candidates, but little information on where they stand on issues.

GOP nominee Jason Gant, Democrat Ben Nesselhuf and Constitution Party runner Lori Stacey appeared at the question-answer event sponsored by the Pierre Young Professionals.

Nesselhuf and Gant agreed on most topics during the evening, while Stacey advocated the elimination of electronic voting machines, revamping the state’s petition process and claimed that she was one of the people that created the Tea Party political movement “years before it was popular.”

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KS: New Poll Shows Republican Sweep in November


If a new poll is right, Republicans could be lining up to sweep the statewide offices in the November elections.

Survey USA released the numbers Wednesday from a poll sponsored by KWCH-TV in Wichita.

In the Kansas Governor’s race, 59-percent of those surveyed said, if the election were today, they’d vote for the Republican ticket of Sam Brownback and Jeff Colyer, while 32-percent chose Democrats Tom Holland and Kelly Kultala. Seven percent of those polled went with third-party candidates, while two percent were undecided.

In the Secretary of State’s race, Republican Kris Kobach took a 53- to 36-percent lead over the man who currently holds the office, Democrat Chris Biggs.

The Attorney General’s race is a bit tighter. Republican Senate Majority Leader Derek Schmidt leads current AG Democrat Steve Six 50- to 41- percent.

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MA: Lt. Governor Candidates have First Debate

From The Daily Free Press:

Candidates for lieutenant governor faced off for the first time on Wednesday, attacking each other’s running mates for policies that they said would dig the commonwealth further into a financial hole.

Lt. Gov. Tim Murray and State Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei, R-Wakefield, traded some of the sharpest barbs at the debate at Suffolk University Law School.

“No matter where you go in Massachusetts, people instinctively know that the state government is off-track,” Tisei said.

Murray countered that the state’s fiscal situation is improving.

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MA: GOP AG Candidate and his “Surprise” Victory

From The Daily Free Press:

The Sept. 14 primary produced many surprising results across the nation, but one of the more unlikely election outcomes occurred right here in Massachusetts: a successful write-in campaign.

No candidate was listed on the Republican ballot for attorney general, but nearly 30,000 voters wrote in Millbury lawyer James McKenna’s name, giving Attorney General Martha Coakley an opponent for the Nov. 2 election.

A virtual unknown before he entered the race in late August, McKenna needed 10,000 votes to qualify for a ballot spot. On Tuesday, Secretary of State William Galvin announced that McKenna easily surpassed that threshold with 27,711 votes.

McKenna said he got a phone call last Tuesday from his campaign as he drove to his post-election party at the Cask’n Flagon in Boston, informing him that he was likely to make the ballot.

“It became pretty clear early on that things were really pretty good,” McKenna said.

His campaign had calculated about how many votes from each town and city he’d need to reach 10,000.

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