Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

KS: Former Governor Backs Republican AG Candidate


The Republican candidate in the attorney general’s race has earned the backing of a former governor.

Bill Graves announced Wednesday his endorsement of Senate Majority Derek Schmidt for the AG’s post.

Schmidt served as general counsel during Graves’ second term. Graves was Kansas governor from 1995 to 2003. He now heads up the National Trucking Association.

“Derek Schmidt served my office well as legal counsel,” Graves said. “From reviewing pardon applications to crafting executive orders, I relied on Derek’s advice and counsel to carry out my duties as governor. He will make a superb attorney general for Kansas, and it is with great pleasure that I give him my full and unqualified support and encourage Kansans to get out and vote for him.”

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OH: Republican and Democrat AG candidates Differ on Health Care Suit

From the Columbus Dispatch:

Twenty state attorneys general – including five Democrats – have joined a federal lawsuit in Florida challenging the insurance mandate.

Cordray said he studied the merits of the case, and a separate lawsuit brought by the Virginia attorney general, and concluded that the lawsuits have little legal merit and likely would waste time and money to litigate.

“It makes little difference if my name is on a brief in a Florida case,” Cordray said.

DeWine disagrees. He says fighting the Obama health-care mandates would be one of his priorities upon taking office.

“Ohio is a major state,” he said. “We need to be part of this.”

While DeWine aligns himself with national Republicans on health care, he’s also in lockstep with Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich’s plan to replace the state Department of Development with a private, nonprofit corporation. Cordray blasted the idea as a potential sweetheart deal for the executives who would sit on the corporation’s board. DeWine derided Cordray as unimaginative and opposed to job creation.

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CA Republican AG Candidate Shows Off Sense of Humor


The campaign of Republican Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley — already basking in the glow from the Bell story playing out in his home county — wasted no time jumping on comments by DEMOCRATIC state Treasurer Bill Lockyer predicting a GOP victory this November in the AG race (those comments were reported today by colleague Andrew S. Ross).

What did Lockyer say about the attorney general race that had everyone all atwitter?:

“I think Cooley’s going to win, even though he’s a mean, gloomy bureaucrat.”

Cooley is facing off against Democratic darling and SF District Attorney Kamala Harris to become AG. His campaign issued a perfectly double-edged response to the double-edged comment:

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WI: AG Candidates Agree to Second Debate


The candidates for Wisconsin attorney general have agreed to a second debate.

Representatives for J.B. Van Hollen and Scott Hassett’s campaigns said the candidates have agreed to a debate on Oct. 8 at Wisconsin Public Television’s Madison studios.

The debate will be the second in as many days for Van Hollen and Hassett. They’ve also agreed to appear at Marquette University on Oct. 7.

The Oct. 7 debate will be part of “On the Issues with Mike Gousha,” a series of speaker appearances at Marquette University’s law school hosted by WISN-TV’s Mike Gousha.

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Highway Patrol Trooper Group Endorses Republican AG Candidate


The group representing Kansas Highway Patrol troopers is supporting Republican nominee Derek Schmidt in the attorney general’s race.

Two leaders of the Kansas State Troopers Association announced the organization’s endorsement of Schmidt, the state Senate majority leader, during a Statehouse news conference Thursday.

Schmidt is trying to unseat Attorney General Steve Six, a Democrat appointed to the job in January 2008.

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Ohio Chamber of Commerce endorses Republicans for Statewide Races

From the OhioGOP:

Today, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (OCCPaC) announced its endorsements in races for three statewide offices. OCCPaC endorsed John Kasich for Governor, Jon Husted for Secretary of State, and Mike DeWine for Attorney General.

“These endorsements represent the leadership we need to retain and attract businesses to Ohio,” said Jeffrey S. Gorman, Chairman of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. “They are not about where we have been; but rather where we must go if we are to, once again, be a state where businesses grow, families prosper, and a stronger economic environment exists for all.”

“OCCPaC took the unusual step of endorsing in selected statewide races this year because our state faces tremendous challenges that are demanding more from each of us, including the Ohio Chamber, “ said Andrew E. Doehrel, President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber. “Clearly, this action is not without risk, but we felt it was critically important for Ohio’s largest, oldest and most diverse business organization to boldly step forward when our leadership matters most.”

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Death Penalty Debate Looms Large in California

From the Sacramento Bee:

On the day before Easter 2004, David Lee Hill fatally shot San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza and wounded his partner with an AK-47 assault rifle as they approached him for acting suspiciously in the city’s Bayview area.

District Attorney Kamala Harris’ decision not to seek the death penalty has become a lightning rod in this year’s race for state attorney general pitting her against Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, a leader in sending killers to death row.

“Voters are going to want an attorney general who does not impose his or her own personal ideology or political agenda on the office,” said Kevin Spillane, Cooley’s spokesman. “That, in essence, is what Harris has done.”

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Ohio Republicans Call out Democrats for Mailers

From Journal News:

Ohio Republicans are condemning what they see as negative campaign attacks by Democrats against their candidates for the General Assembly.

Speaking at a news conference, House Republican leader Bill Batchelder pointed to a mailer that called one state representative a rat.

Batchelder called the ads “excrement.” He said both parties should instead focus on the difficulties the state is facing and not lie about people.

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NC GOP Legislators Lead in Social Media


The state’s Republican legislators lead Democrats in their use of Facebook and Twitter, according to the Raleigh public relations and lobbying firm Capstrat.

In a study of legislators’ tweeting and posting habits, Capstrat found Republicans more connected than Democrats, and women more than men.

Sen. Andrew Brock, a Republican from Mocksville, leads his chamber in Facebook friends, and Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger of Eden has the most Twitter followers.

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Iowa Republicans say Democrats should return tainted money

From The Iowa Republican:

Earlier this year, Governor Chet Culver found himself in the middle of a pay-to-play scandal when it became known that he had accepted political contributions from three individuals who were trying to get a gambling license for a Fort Dodge casino.

While Culver said there was no connection between his support of the Fort Dodge casino and the contributions, his campaign had already returned the contributions before the story made statewide news. Even though the contributions were returned, Culver is still under investigation by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigations.

More recently, Iowa’s Attorney General, Tom Miller, returned a $10,000 contribution that he received in 1995 from Peter DeCoster, the son of Jack DeCoster. The DeCosters’ factory egg farm has been identified as the source of the recent salmonella outbreak. DeCoster had been on the state’s habitual offenders list until the contribution to Miller’s campaign was made.

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