Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

NM: Secretary of State Candidates Neck and Neck in Fundraising

From The New Mexico Independent:

Embattled Secretary of State Mary Herrera and her Republican challenger Dianna Duran raised almost exactly the same amount in the last quarter, with Duran bringing in $29,070 to Herrera’s $28,681. But while Herrera’s still got $74,465.04 cash on hand, Duran only has $35,891.48 left.

Herrera benefited from donations unions; she received $5,000 each from AFSCME and the Plumbers & Steamfitters Local #412, and $2,500 from the National Education Association – New Mexico Education PAC.

Herrera also has two $100 donation listed simply as “anonymous,” one dated June 29 and another on July 9.

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Poll in Georgia shows Republicans Leading in top 5 races

From 13WMAZ:

A statewide poll conducted for 13WMAZ shows Republican Nathan Deal leading in the race for governor.

In the SurveyUSA poll, Deal had the support of 49 percent of likely voters, Democrat Roy Barnes had 38 percent and Libertarian candidate John Monds had 9 percent.

Four percent of voters in the poll said they were undecided.

The poll’s margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4.1 percentage points. The poll was taken Friday through Sunday and the results cover 599 registered voters who said they were likely to vote in the fall election for governor.

In the Governor’s race, 54 percent of independents supported Deal, while 34 percent favored Barnes. John Monds picked up support of 18 percent of independents.

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20 States Take on Obama’s Health Care Plan

From The Washington Post:

Twenty states are squaring off against the Obama administration on Tuesday in a lawsuit seeking to nullify the sweeping new health-care law.

The suit – originally filed by Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum (R) and the Republican attorneys general of 12 other states within hours of the law’s adoption last March – quickly became the most prominent of several pending legal challenges as seven more states signed on. Two individuals and the National Federation of Independent Business, a small-business association that lobbied vigorously against the law, have also joined. (Virginia has filed a separate lawsuit that awaits a judge’s decision on whether it can move forward.) The lawyers will make their case before a federal judge in Pensacola, Fla.

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MI: Republican AG Candidate is ‘Something New’


It had been a grueling time for Bill Schuette.

The battle for the Republican nomination for attorney general was closer than expected at the party’s Aug. 28 convention.

Immediately after, Schuette and other Republicans on the state ticket hit the road ona bus tour of Michigan.

Dog tired, Schuette headed home about 9 p.m. that Monday. Just 20 miles from his home in Midland, he spotted Martin’s Corner Store, an ice cream and convenience store in Wheeler Township. A gaggle of would-be voters sat outside on the warm summer night enjoying ice cream cones.

He couldn’t resist the opportunity. He stopped, shook some hands and tried to convince the group that he should be Michigan’s next attorney general.

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‘Fur is Flying’ in Democrat Attorney General Race

From The New York Daily News:

He’s also got a statewide robocall going out with the same audio as the video.

The robocall, in turn, produced this statement from RWDSU’s Stu Appelbaum, a Rice supporter: “I am offended by the many robocall attacks coming from the Schneiderman campaign. He is doing a disservice to New York voters and especially New York Democrats. Remember, both Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Rice were once Republicans who became committed Democrats. We need more people to do the same. Doesn’t the Albany legislator understand that? He shouldn’t be criticizing women like Kathleen for becoming Democrats. And frankly, I’d put Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Rice’s commitments to the Democratic Party up against State Senator Schneiderman’s any day.”

Rice, who according to Siena is tied with Schneiderman at 24% support among women despite being the only female in the five-way primary, have both rushed to rally female supporters.

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MN: GOP Sees Tide Going against Dems


With national polls and prognosticators predicting a tidal wave running against congressional Democrats this fall, local Republican leaders say that surge could spill over into state legislative races. If it does, they think they have not only a good chance of winning a majority of state House seats but also an outside shot at taking control of the Senate for the first time in 38 years.

State Rep. Matt Dean of Dellwood, the House Republicans’ chief campaign strategist, said GOP legislative candidates are being buoyed by a wave of voter anxiety about the Democrats who control Washington. “We don’t know if it’s a regular wave, a tidal wave or a tsunami, but it’s coming,” he said last week.

Assistant Senate Minority Leader Amy Koch of Buffalo, who heads the Senate Republican election team, agreed.

“We will pick up seats, no question about that,” she said. “It’s just a question of how many.”

Democratic-Farmer-Labor legislative leaders expect to retain control of the Legislature but acknowledged some concern about a national Republican wave.

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NY: Angry Voters Eyeing State Senate


Gustavo Rivera and his backers say Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. is the “poster child” for a dysfunctional Senate that has, in the estimation of many, hobbled the workings of state government for years.

Espada is hoping the benefit of incumbency will prove unbeatable, as it has consistently for decades. No mind that he’s under investigation by county, state and federal prosecutors, thousands of dollars in fines to the Board of Elections and a festering charge that he actually lives in suburban Mamaroneck, not the west Bronx district he has represented since 2009.

Several incumbent Democrats are facing primary challengers, claiming they should no longer be in office because they have become part of a body that went from stagnant to sour. Luke Martland is tarring Sen. Neil Breslin, D-Bethlehem and Erie County Legislator Tim Kennedy is taking on Sen. Bill Stachowski, D-Lakeview.

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New Hampshire to turn red

From The New York Times:

“We will win everything in New Hampshire in November 2010,” Mr. Sununu, 71, said in an interview at his airy home office here near the seacoast. He said he expected that the winds of change that appeared to be blowing across the country were blowing through the Granite State as well.

Mr. Sununu noted that New Hampshire Republicans have won seven of eight special elections since 2008.

Many Republicans are running for offices here up and down the ballot, the most that officials can recall in recent memory. The New Hampshire secretary of state’s Web site lists four for the party’s nomination for governor; seven for the Senate seat being vacated by Judd Gregg, a Republican; eight for the House seat in the First Congressional District; and five for the open House seat in the Second District.

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New Mexico: Scandals a Factor in AG race


When Jim Bibb and Gary King ran for attorney general four years ago, one of the campaign’s main themes was corruption.

This year, in the race between King, the Democratic incumbent, and Clovis Republican Matt Chandler, the main theme is … corruption.

Chandler says King has done little to stem a tide of wrongdoing in the state during his term. King says he’s done more than perhaps any other attorney general.

In 2006, the race to become New Mexico’s top law enforcer took place against the backdrop of the misdeeds of former state treasurer Michael Montoya. This year’s race, which will be decided in the Nov. 2 general election, comes amid other scandals, including controversies involving state investments, in which questions were raised about fees paid and loans provided by figures with political connections, and at the Secretary of State’s Office, where former employees have alleged wrongdoing.

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MA: Write in Campaign for Attorney General

From Red State:

Republicans failed to get a candidate to file for Attorney General to run against failed Senate candidate MArtha Coakley, who is now very unpopular. As a result, James McKenna is running a write-in campaign as a Republican. If he gets 10k write in votes, he will be the nominee. No office so important should go uncontested. MA has strange write-in laws, so it is important to make sure you get it right for your vote to count. To properly write-in James McKenna:

Make sure you fill in the oval by the BLANK Attorney General spot on the ballot.

In the blank space write: “James McKenna 28 Miles St. Millbury” If you do not write the full thing, your vote will NOT count. Just writing James McKenna is not sufficient.

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