Today is Thursday, 19th September 2024

AR: Poll Shows Being Republican Has Advantages

From Arkansas News:

New poll results released today show Republican candidates fare well with Arkansans when party affiliation is part of the equation and Democrats do better when party is not mentioned.

On Sept. 2, Talk Business and Hendrix College polled 679 likely Arkansas voters on the races for constitutional offices other than governor and included the candidates’ political party affiliations in the questions. Five days later, a second poll of 907 likely Arkansas voters was done without including the candidates’ party affiliations.

The results showed that Republican candidates fared significantly better when respondents knew the candidates’ party affiliation.

In the lieutenant governor’s race between Democrat Shane Broadway and Republican Mark Darr, Darr received 44 percent support from respondents compared to 27 percent for Broadway when the candidates’ party affiliations were included in the question. Twenty-nine percent of those polled said they were undecided.

When no party affiliation was mentioned, Broadway received 17 percent of support, Darr received 11 percent and 72 percent were undecided.

The polling was done via automated phone calls. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percent for the poll including party affiliations and plus or minus 3.3 percent for the poll without party affiliations.

Jay Barth, a political science professor at Hendrix College, said the decision to do two polls was in response to comments by Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, who recently said that if voters were presented with a “generic” ballot, they would choose Republican over Democrat.

“The differences were striking and seem to confirm Beebe’s notion that much of the advantage shown for Republican candidates is driven by reactions to the (Democratic and Green) parties rather than to candidates,” Barth said. “To be determined is whether those Democratic candidates can successfully break through and identify themselves to voters as ‘candidates who happen to be Democrats’ rather than ‘Democratic candidates.’”

In the secretary of state’s race between Democrat Pat O’Brien and Republican Mark Martin, Martin received 50.5 percent support when party affiliation was mentioned, O’Brien received 32 percent and 17.5 percent were undecided.

Without party affiliation, O’Brien received 23.5 percent, Martin received 13.5 percent and 63 percent were undecided.

In the land commissioner’s race, Democrat L.J. Bryant received 24.5 percent support, Republican John Thurston received 49 percent and 26.5 percent were undecided when party affiliation was mentioned.

Without party affiliation, Bryant received 15 percent, Thurston received 9.5 percent and 75.5 percent were undecided.

In the attorney general’s race, incumbent Democrat Dustin McDaniel received 37 percent support, Green Party candidate Rebekah Kennedy received 24 percent and 39 percent were undecided when party affiliation was included.

Without political affiliation, McDaniel received 38 percent, Kennedy received 19 percent and 43 percent were undecided.

In the state treasurer’s race, Democrat Martha Shoffner, the incumbent, received 33 percent support, Green Party candidate Bobby Tullis received 23 percent and 44 percent were undecided when party affiliation was mentioned.

Without party affiliation, Shoffner received 22 percent, Tullis received 17.5 percent and 60.5 percent were undecided.

In the state auditor’s race, Democrat Charlie Daniels received 39.5 percent support, Green Party candidate Mary Hughes-Wills received 26 percent and 34.5 percent were undecided when party affiliation was included.

Without party affiliation, Daniels received 37 percent, Hughes-Wills received 17 percent and 46 percent were undecided.

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MI: Poll Shows Voters Favor GOP in State Races

From The Detroit News:

Votes appear to favor Republican over Democrats in less-known statewide races such as secretary of state and attorney general, according to a Detroit News/Local 4 WDIV poll released Thursday.

Still, the pool of undecided voters is large in the down-ticket races, which may mean GOP leads could evaporate once voters begin to focus on races beyond the contest for governor.

The 600 likely voters interviewed Tuesday and Wednesday by Glengariff Group Inc. favored Republicans over Democrats even in races with low name recognition for the candidates — meaning the GOP may be the favored party this November, reflecting a nationwide trend.

The poll is the first since the parties held their state conventions where they nominated candidates for statewide races.

Michigan Republican Party chairman Ron Weiser said Republicans need to seize the whole ticket if they’re to have the power they need to turn the state around.

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WI: Candidates for Lt. Governor Want Position to have more Power


Nine candidates are in the running for one job at the state capitol, a job that raises a key question: voters wonder what power that job actually has. We’re talking about the race for lieutenant governor.

With the primary less than a week away, the race for lieutenant governor is shaping up to be a tight one.

Two Democratic candidates made stops in Eau Claire on Wednesday. Henry Sanders visited the UW-Eau Claire campus, to find out what issues are on the minds of younger voters. “No matter where I am in the state of Wisconsin people are concerned about jobs,” said Sanders. “We have got to get people educated and get them into the workforce. Especially if we want to focus of the future of jobs like manufacturing jobs, new manufacturing jobs like green jobs and clean tech jobs.”

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WI: Republican AG Van Hollen wants to Fight more Fraudsters

From Wisconsin Radio Network:

Wisconsin’s top cop has a good idea for fighting fraud within public assistance programs. Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen says his department’s Medicaid Fraud Control and Elder Abuse Unit is proven to be successful with recovering money, investigating, and prosecuting the bad guys.

Van Hollen says, in just the last four years, they’ve collected a lot of taxpayer money that was intended for Medicaid recipients. “Our Medicaid Fraud Unit has recovered approximately $35-million in Medicaid fraud reimbursements. And we have orders, or approvals or judgments for approximately $26-million more.”

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NY: Democrat Cuomo Remains Undecided on AG Endorsement

From LoHud:

They all speak highly of Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and shower him with praise, but for the five Democratic candidates vying to succeed him, none have been able to woo his endorsement just yet.

With days remaining before the spirited primary for the Democratic nomination for attorney general, Cuomo’s potential endorsement looms large in a race where turnout will be low and the margin of victory may be slim.

Cuomo, the Democratic frontrunner for governor, had the highest job-approval rating in the state at 69 percent, a Quinnipiac University poll found last week. He is also well ahead of his potential GOP gubernatorial foes in campaign cash and popularity.

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FOP Endorses Republican Pam Bondi for Attorney General

From The Miami Herald:

Today the Pam Bondi Campaign announced that the Florida Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has endorsed Pam Bondi in the general election for Attorney General. The Florida FOP’s endorsement affirms Pam Bondi as law enforcement’s choice and solidifies her commitment to protect Floridians’ freedoms, safety and jobs over the next four years.

“The support of the Fraternal Order of Police is so important because I am committed to fighting criminals and protecting our families, our neighborhoods and our communities,” said Pam. “Florida’s sworn law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every single day to keep our state safe, and I am honored to be their choice as Florida’s next Attorney General.”

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RSLC Chairman Ed Gillespie – Election Wave Will Crash on White House

From Newsmax:

State Legislative Races Key To Obama ’12 Bid

From National Journal:

“All of these states are critical for us,” said Michael Sargeant, executive director of the DLCC. “It’s about infrastructure. The more Democratic office holders we have, the more Democrats who can talk about the Democratic message closer to ground.”

“That,” Sargeanted added, “makes it easier for people to vote for Democrats across the rest of the ticket.”

The DLCC’s previous success suggests a strong case can be made that these state level races have significant implications for presidential races.

Dems have gained majorities in many legislative chambers since 2004 in states that John Kerry lost but that Obama won 4 years later.

These include CO House, CO Senate and NC House in ’04. In ’06, Dems took control of the IN House, IA House and IA Senate. The following year, they won back the VA Senate. Most recently in ’08, Dems took back the NV Senate and OH House.

So of the 9 states that Obama won in ’08 that Kerry lost in ’04, the Dems had taken back at least one chamber of the state legislature in 7 of them.

Republicans have also identified these chambers as targets and are extremely confident in their chances.

“They will be very lucky if they hang on to a single chamber that they mentioned,” said Chris Jankowski, the exectuve diretor of the GOP’s “Red Map” redistricting program. “Red Map” is part of the Republican State Leadership Committee, the GOP’s equivalent to the DLCC.

The RSLC anticipates spending between $18M and $20M this year entirely on offense. “We can confidently say that Republicans are not going to lose a single chamber,” Jankowski said.

Jankowski added that Republicans are in position to go after Obama’s base.

“Every district we’ll play in was won by Obama,” he said.

That, Jankowski said, will pose problems for Obama in ’12. Like the DLCC, the RSLC will focus on providing grassroots, field and messaging support. If the election breaks the GOP’s way, these races will present an uphill climb for Obama.

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NC: Democrat Pollster says Republicans Have the Advantage


Three months out from the November election and polls are showing that most voters are not happy with the Democratic majority in Congress or the state legislature.

A new generic ballot from Public Policy Polling, a Raleigh-based Democrat polling company, shows Republicans with a 49-41 margin over Democrats in legislative races.

At their statewide campaign kickoff, Republicans stood shoulder to shoulder sounding more confident than they’ve been in a long time.

“The entire 20th Century passed us by with Republicans sitting on the sidelines, and that changes this year,” said State GOP Chairman Tom Fetzer.

The political climate is tense considering the relatively unpopular Democrat president and governor, ongoing concerns about the Highway Patrol and State Bureau of Investigation, all in the midst of an unstable economy.

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GOP to Rally in Florida

From HeraldTribune:

Senate candidate Marco Rubio, gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott and Scott’s new running mate, state Rep. Jennifer Carroll, R-Jacksonville, lead a GOP unity rally and barbecue at Robarts Arena at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds.

Attorney general candidate Pam Bondi and chief financial officer candidate Jeff Atwater also have confirmed they will attend the event, which starts at 3:30 p.m., said Sarasota County Republican Party Chairman Joe Gruters.

Other candidates expected to attend include U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan; state Sen. Nancy Detert; state Reps. Doug Holder and Ken Roberson; state legislative hopefuls Greg Steube and Ray Pilon; Sarasota County commissioners Nora Patterson and Joe Barbetta; and Venice mayoral candidate Henry Walia.

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