Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

New AG Poll Released in Florida

From Orlando Sentinel:

Republican former prosecutor Pam Bondi and Democratic state Sen. Dan Gelber have taken narrow leads in their respective primaries for attorney general, according to a Mason-Dixon poll released Friday.

But both races remain in flux as candidates head into the last weekend before Tuesday’s primary, said pollster Brad Coker.

“There is no sure bet in either attorney general primary race,” Coker said. “All of the trailing candidates are within striking distance, particularly given the fact that more voters in each primary say they are ‘undecided’ than are currently backing any one of them.”

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Idaho: Lt. Governor Foresees more Cuts


Lt. Gov. Brad Little said Wednesday that state leaders took the right steps in preparing the budget for a downward economy and are well-positioned to bounce back when the state’s fiscal situation improves.

In a meeting with the Times-News editorial board, Little said that the next legislative session will be a cautious one because it can take a year for the money generated from an economic recovery to become tax dollars in state coffers.

Looking at future budgets, Little said that Idaho Department of Health and Welfare efforts that aid the most vulnerable citizens and children need to be preserved, as well as those that address substance-abuse issues. But he left the door open for cuts to the agency.

“I will say that there’s some of the programs in Health and Welfare that are probably going to end up being eliminated,” Little said.

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Newt and Palin Endorse in Florida AG Race

Holly Benson gets Newt’s endorsement:

Holly Benson, Republican Candidate for Florida Attorney General, today announced former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has endorsed her in her bid to become the next Attorney General of Florida.

“The next Attorney General of Florida will have to take the lead on the lawsuit challenging Obamacare,” said former Speaker Gingrich. “In my opinion, there is no one more qualified to do this than Holly Benson. So today, I am proud to endorse Holly’s candidacy for Florida Attorney General.”

“I’ve worked with Holly, and I know she is a proven conservative that you can trust. Because Holly worked with Governor Jeb Bush to transform Florida’s Medicaid program and served as Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration, she is uniquely qualified to understand the dire consequences of Obamacare for our health care system and our Constitution,” continued former Speaker Gingrich.

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And Pam Bondi gets Sarah Palin’s:

Sarah Palin endorsed former Hillsborough prosecutor Pam Bondi for attorney general Wednesday, and Bondi didn’t even know it was coming.

Palin’s surprise endorsement in the three-way Republican primary for attorney general surfaced on Facebook, and Bondi rushed to spread the word ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

The former vice presidential candidate and ex-Alaska governor, who’s expected to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, threw her support to other candidates, all women, in state and local contests in Alabama, Indiana, Missouri and North Carolina.

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Washington: GOP Licks Chops after Primary

From The Olympian:

Republicans said their hopes for a major political comeback in the state Senate and House were boosted Tuesday as several incumbent Democrats in the two chambers failed to capture half the vote or were trailing their GOP challenger.

“I think we’re within striking distance, no question about it,” said Senate Republican Leader Mike Hewitt of Walla Walla, who is now in a 31-18 minority. He cited Republicans leading incumbent Democrats, including Sens. Chris Marr in Spokane, Claudia Kauffman in Kent and Eric Oemig in Kirkland.

Elsewhere around the region, Republicans were eyeing gains in the House. Kevin Carns, leader of the House Republican Organizational Committee, said he thinks his party could gain six to 13 seats, reducing if not erasing the Democrats’ 61-37 advantage.

But Democrats were not conceding much – even though powerful House Ways and Means chairwoman Kelli Linville, D-Bellingham, was losing to Republican Vincent Buys in Whatcom County’s 42nd district and other Democrats, such as Rep. John Driscoll of Spokane, were well below 50 percent of the vote.

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Democrat Secretary of State seeks email records of her Critics


Secretary of State Mary Herrera apparently likes to know what people are saying about her, especially when she knows a controversial news story about her office is in the works.

So early this month, while an Albuquerque television station was working on a story about how a computer virus infected her laptop with links to pornographic websites, Herrera did what a reporter might do — file a public information request for documents under the state Inspection of Public Record Act.

Reporters who have had a difficult time getting timely responses from the Secretary of State’s Office for public records requests are surely rolling their eyes by now.

The target of the Aug. 2 request, obtained by The New Mexican, was Sheryl Nichols, chief deputy clerk of Los Alamos. Nichols is president of the state association for county clerks and has been quoted in this publication and other news media over the years making critical remarks about Herrera’s performance.

Herrera requested copies of all of Nichols’ e-mail correspondence from July 12 through July 16 from the County Clerk’s Office to and from a list of several people, many of whom have been critical of Herrera. And several were employees of Herrera’s own office.

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Iowa: Attorney General Candidate Brenna Findley Nabs Sarah Palin Endorsement


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed Iowa Republican candidate Brenna Findley for attorney general today, adding a third 2012 prospect to stand by Findley in the past 24 hours.

Palin, as she has with many of her endorsements, offered it ala Facebook. She did so today with a number of other women candidates, on the 90th anniversary of women being granted the right to vote.

“Pam Bondi and Brenna Findley are running for Attorney General in their states – Pam in Florida, and Brenna in Iowa. These are both bold, sharp, selfless women who will respect our Constitution, defend their states, protect our rights, and push back against any overreach of the federal government. We desperately need these conservative leaders who won’t kowtow to the Obama administration’s big government overreach into our states, small businesses, families, and individual lives. Please visit Pam’s website at and Brenna’s at”

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Florida AG Race still Undecided

From SunShineNews:

“Undecided” is still the leader in the Republican race for attorney general, but the three GOP candidates are each making inroads — especially Jeff Kottkamp, a new Sunshine State News Poll shows.

With just five days until Election Day, the poll shows Lt. Gov. Kottkamp with 29 percent, Hillsborough County prosecutor Pam Bondi at 22 percent and Holly Benson, a former state administrator, garnering 19 percent.

Thirty percent of respondents remain undecided in the survey of 1,000 likely Republican voters conducted Aug. 12-15 by Voter Survey Service for the Sunshine State News Poll. A whopping 55 percent were undecided in last month’s VSS poll.

Today’s poll shows the biggest gains for Kottkamp since VSS’s July 10 survey, which he led by a single percentage point over Bondi. Since then, the lieutenant governor has picked up 12 percentage points while Benson gained 7 points and Bondi added 6.

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AG Biden Coy about Any Senate Run

From npr:

In a February television interview, however, Joe Biden said his son had decided against a Senate bid at Thanksgiving. That’s almost two weeks before the alleged rape that finally led to Bradley’s arrest, but more than a month after popular Republican congressman Mike Castle said he was in the race, which Democratic county executive Chris Coons entered after Biden bowed out.

“My decision was made in light of the Bradley case, after the Bradley case broke,” Biden insisted, refusing to comment on his family’s Thanksgiving discussions.

The vice president’s former Senate seat has been filled in the interim by one of his former aides, Ted Kaufman, who never intended to run himself. Castle, the Republican contender, is running against Democrat Chris Coons, the New Castle (Del.) county executive. Recent polls show Castle with a strong advantage.

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“In Rare Move, Obama Does Mail Piece for Laird in State Senate Battle: Democratic mailboxes across the coastal California State Senate District are being stuffed today with a mail piece featuring President Barack Obama – making it the first and only legislative race that the President has been involved with in California since being elected.” (California Majority Report, August 5, 2010)


“[Sam] Blakeslee, a Republican assemblyman, won a special election in the CA state Senate Tuesday night by nearly 5%. … Here’s the rub: Dems outnumber Republicans 41% to 34% in the district and the Dem in the race – former Assemblyman John Laird – was backed by…wait for it..Pres. Obama.” (Hotline On Call, August 18, 2010)

RSLC Celebrates Monumental Victory in California’s 15th Senate District

ALEXANDRIA, VA – With less than three months until Election Day 2010, Republicans celebrated one of the most hard fought special elections – at any level – with the victory of Sam Blakeslee for California’s 15th Senate District. Blakeslee’s marks the 62nd state legislative special election victory for Republicans, nationwide, since President Barack Obama was elected.

“The Democrats pulled out all the stops in this race, but it proved that no amount of liberal spending and campaigning by President Obama can overcome the public’s discontent with liberal Democrat policies and voters’ preference for commonsense, conservative policies put forth by Republicans,” said RSLC President Scott Ward.

While Democrats hold a six-point voter registration advantage in the 15th District, Blakeslee topped Democrat John Laird 48 percent to 44 percent.  The race, which was the determining factor in whether Democrats would be 1 step closer to achieving a super-majority in the senate, became a preview of Democrat efforts, drawing millions of dollars spent by liberal interests and heavy involvement from President Barack Obama.

Blakeslee was first elected to the California State Assembly in 2004 to represent the 33rd Assembly District. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins in both 2006 and 2008.  During his time in office, Assemblyman Blakeslee has compiled an impressive record of bi-partisan legislative accomplishments, delivering meaningful achievements on issues such as job creation, government reform, renewable energy, agriculture, conservation, health care, public safety, disabled rights, consumer protection, and seismic safety.

Ward congratulated Blakeslee saying, “Sam Blakeslee fought against vicious attacks but proved that Republicans are benefiting from a growing wave heading into the November elections.  He ran an excellent campaign and we look forward to his leadership in the California Senate.”


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