Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Idaho’

Idaho: Lt. Governor Foresees more Cuts


Lt. Gov. Brad Little said Wednesday that state leaders took the right steps in preparing the budget for a downward economy and are well-positioned to bounce back when the state’s fiscal situation improves.

In a meeting with the Times-News editorial board, Little said that the next legislative session will be a cautious one because it can take a year for the money generated from an economic recovery to become tax dollars in state coffers.

Looking at future budgets, Little said that Idaho Department of Health and Welfare efforts that aid the most vulnerable citizens and children need to be preserved, as well as those that address substance-abuse issues. But he left the door open for cuts to the agency.

“I will say that there’s some of the programs in Health and Welfare that are probably going to end up being eliminated,” Little said.

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ID: Primary Voter Turnout Best in Decade


Primary voters across Idaho turned out in their biggest numbers in a decade, a phenomenon Secretary of State Ben Ysursa says may be due to an energized tea party movement.

About 27 percent of registered voters cast ballots Tuesday. Ysursa had been projecting 26 percent turnout.

That amounts to some 202,700 voters, an unofficial figure but probably the most since 2000 when about 210,000 primary voters cast ballots.

By comparison, 182,627 voters turned out in 2008.

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ID: Republican Lawmaker Fires Salvo against Health Care Reform


An Idaho House member aims to free residents from a requirement to buy health insurance, a pre-emptive strike against possible federal reforms that could make such policies mandatory.

Rep. Jim Clark, a Republican from Hayden, is among those trying scuttle President Obama’s and the Democratic U.S. Congress’ push for health care reform.

In Washington D.C., Obama Democratic congressional leaders and Obama are closing in on a deal on legislation that would likely require most Americans to carry coverage.

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