Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Pennsylvania’

Does PA need a Lt. Governor?


This much is true: Being elected lieutenant governor in Pennsylvania is somewhat akin to calling shotgun first while taking a late summer road trip.

The lucky one in the passenger seat on the driver’s right enjoys the best view, better leg room and a good chance to be first in line when the family caravan pulls into the roadside restaurant. If you called it first, then you’re sitting pretty.

For much of its history, the state job of lieutenant governor has amounted to about as much.

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PA: The Candidates Running for Lt. Governor


So here goes. It’s Bucks County Commissioner Jim Cawley, the Republican-endorsed candidate for lieutenant governor who won a nine-way spring primary with 26 percent of the vote.

(Yes, a nine-way primary. And there were three Democrats. S

PA: AG Corbett Leads in Latest Governor Poll


Little has changed in Pennsylvania’s race for governor, with Republican State Attorney General Tom Corbett earning 50% support this month against Democrat Dan Onorato.

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Onorato, the chief executive of Allegheny County, picking up 39% of the vote. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) are undecided.

Corbett held a similar lead two weeks ago and at the end of June.

In May, just after both candidates won their party primaries, Corbett was ahead 49% to 36%. In surveys since February, the Republican’s support has ranged from 45% to 52%, while the Democrat’s in the same period has grown from 26% to 39%.

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PA: AG Corbett Takes on ACORN

From Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

State Attorney General Tom Corbett asked a federal judge Friday to dismiss a portion of the lawsuit filed by ACORN challenging a state law barring the use of quotas to pay workers in voter registration drives.

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, filed the constitutional challenge last year after Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. charged six of its former registration workers with violating that law.

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Control of PA House Up for Grabs

From The Morning Call:

HARRISBURG — If Republicans pick up just three seats in the 203-member Pennsylvania House of Representatives in the November election, it could bring sweeping policy changes to a state that can’t seem to make up its mind whether it wants to be blue or red.

There will be plenty to talk about on the campaign trail, from the dysfunctional budget process and state spending to the “bonusgate” corruption cases and lingering resentment over the 2005 pay raise and the 2001 pension grab.

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PA: AG Corbett Leads by 10 in Latest Poll


Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett holds a 10-point lead over Democrat Dan Onorato in Pennsylvania’s race for governor, according to the Rasmussen Report released Friday.

The latest poll of likely voters in Pennsylvania shows Corbett picking up 48 percent of the vote. Onorato, the chief executive of Allegheny County, earns 38 percent. Five percent prefer some other candidate in the race, and 10 percent remain undecided.

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PA: Democrat Governor – Republican AG Corbett ‘Tough to Beat’

From Politico:

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is well aware that the Democrat who wants to succeed him is facing an uphill battle.

The two-term Democratic governor said in an interview Wednesday that while he supports nominee Dan Onorato, he knows he’s the “underdog” in the race and the GOP nominee, Attorney General Tom Corbett, “ is still a “tough candidate to beat.”

“He’s behind in all the polls, how far behind depends on which poll you read,” Rendell said. “I was behind Bob Casey by 25 points when I got into the Democratic primary. It’s a little harder in the bad economy. Money is harder to raise.”

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PA: Budget Battle Takes Shape


A budget will be passed by the Republican-controlled Senate by the June 30 deadline – it just may not be one the governor wants, Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R., Delaware) said Monday.

Speaking at the monthly press club luncheon, Pileggi said the Senate is prepared to approve a $27.8 billion spending plan that will likely freeze funding for basic education at this year’s levels – a concept that Gov. Rendell has said is unacceptable.

Whether that will lead to another messy impasse is still unclear. Pileggi said that whether Pennsylvania will have a budget on time — and avoid the protracted battles of the last seven years of the Rendell administration – will depend on how reasonable Rendell is.

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PA: Winner of Special Election – Prepare to be bombarded

From The Times Herald:

A few days after declaring victory in the special election to fill the vacant 147th state House District seat, Marcy Toepel said she has been advised not to schedule a summer vacation.

Toepel, who defeated Bob Dodge on Tuesday by an unofficial margin of 31 percent, said she expects to be immersed in the process of approving the 2010-11 budget.

“Once I’m sworn in, I’m sure I’ll be bombarded with information,” said Toepel, a Douglass Township resident. “One of the best things I can do is be well rested and ready to go.”

The office became open after former Rep. Bob Mensch won a special election in September to fill the 24th District Senate seat.

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PA: Special Election Day Tomorrow

Take a look at the Republicans running in house districts 138 and 147.

House District 147 – Republican Marcy Toepel

House District 138 – Republican Marcia Hahn

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