Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

VT: GOP Picks Secretary of State Candidate


A former Douglas administration spokesman will face a former state senator in this fall’s race to fill the office of secretary of state. Jason Gibbs, 33, of Duxbury edged out Chris Roy, 45, of Williston in the Republican secretary of state primary.

Jim Condos, 59, of Montpelier was the victor over Charles Merriman, 51, of Middlesex in the Democratic contest.

In both races, voters went with the candidates who entered the race comparatively late. Roy and Merriman launched their candidacies more than a year ago, while Gibbs and Condos didn’t jumped into the ring until spring.

“I’m very proud of the positive, issue-based race we were in,” Gibbs said. “I’m looking to bring that same energy and enthusiasm to the general election.”

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Lively Races for VT Secretary of State


It has been 12 years since Vermonters elected a new secretary of state, the person who oversees the state’s elections, keeps track of all the state’s archived records, regulates professionals from accountants to veterinarians and is the first place someone has to go when forming a business to incorporate it.

Secretary of State Deb Markowitz, a Democrat who has held the job for six two-year terms, is not seeking re-election. She is running for governor.

After such a long time and for an office with such a broad reach, it should come as no surprise the $95,156-a-year job has attracted a lot of interest and generated a robust debate. Two candidates each from the Democratic and Republican parties are competing in the Aug. 24 primary in hopes of earning a spot on the Nov. 2 general-election ballot.

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VT: Lt. Governor leads all 5 Democrats for Governor


A poll released Wednesday showed Republican Brian Dubie leading all five Democratic candidates for governor.

The poll, by the national polling firm Rasmussen Reports, indicated Democrat Deb Markowitz came the closest to Dubie and was the only one against whom he received less than 50 percent support. The poll showed Dubie leading Markowitz, 47 percent to 40 percent.

Dubie’s and Markowitz’s campaigns took the poll as good news. So did Democrat Peter Shumlin, who gained some footing compared with a March poll by the same firm.

“This is encouraging,” Dubie campaign manager Corry Bliss said. “This is just more confirmation of the support we’re receiving.”

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VT: Lt. Governor Speaks about Agenda for Next Governor


Speakers before and after Brian Dubie’s keynote address at the Vermont Tiger Symposium on Tuesday suggested the next governor of Vermont faces high fiscal hurdles.

Dubie, Republican lieutenant governor for the past eight years, wants to be Vermont’s next governor despite the looming financial problems — as do five Democrats. While the Democratic rivals crisscross the state for debates, Dubie has skipped those appearances to tour businesses and knock on doors — and speak to selected audiences.

“The state does face some daunting challenges,” Art Woolf, a University of Vermont economist, said in brief remarks to set the stage for Dubie’s presentation to a pro-economic growth audience of about 125. “We have managed to slip through by the skin of our teeth. It gets harder and harder each year.”

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VT: Republican Joins Secretary of State Race


Jason Gibbs, commissioner of forests, parks and recreation, will step down May 14 to become a Republican candidate for secretary of state.

Gibbs, formerly spokesman for Gov. Jim Douglas for six years, became commissioner in November 2008.

Gibbs notified his staff of his resignation Thursday afternoon. He said he wouldn’t file to become a candidate, organize a campaign or raise money until after he steps down as commissioner.

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VT: Poll Shows Republican Lt. Governor Leads the Field

From Lt. Governor Brian Dubie:

Rasmussen Reports released their first poll for the Governor’s Race:

From Rasmussen’s results: “Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie leads all five of his potential Democratic opponents in the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of this year’s race for governor in Vermont.”

Brian also has the highest favorable rating of all candidates! You can read the full article here and view the poll numbers below.

VT: Rep. Makes Run for Lt. Governor


Rep. Chris Bray on Tuesday joined an expansive field of candidates vying for the lieutenant governor’s seat. The New Haven Democrat outlined agriculture as his big issue. He said he watched his hometown, New Britain, Conn., lose thousands of people when it lost its factory. He doesn’t want the same to happen to Vermont farms.

“I’m not willing to accept this is just the way it goes,” he said in reference to people’s reaction in New Britain when he was a teenager.

Bray, 54, in his third two-year term in the Legislature, is the third Democrat to say he’s in this year’s race for lieutenant governor. Rep. Steve Howard, D-Rutland, and Tim Palmer of Williston also are running. They will face off in a primary election.

Republicans also have a primary race brewing for the seat between Sen. Phil Scott, R-Washington, and businessman Mark Snelling of Starksboro.

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