Home / Obama Blasts Georgia Immigration BillObama Blasts Georgia Immigration Bill
Last Updated on Thursday, 28 April 2011 01:41 Written by rslcpol Thursday, 28 April 2011 01:41
President Barack Obama called Georgia’s Arizona-style immigration enforcement bill “a mistake,” possibly setting the stage for a showdown between Georgia and the federal government.
Opponents of Georgia’s House Bill 87 said they were glad to see the president weigh in against the legislation, but they want the Obama administration to go further and challenge it in court. At the same time, supporters said the state needs to act because the federal government has failed to do enough about illegal immigration.
Both sides expect the measure, which authorizes local police to investigate suspected illegal immigrants, to wind up in court. Opponents say they are drafting a lawsuit to block HB 87. Gov. Nathan Deal’s office confirmed Wednesday the governor would sign it during the first two weeks of May.