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Virginia: Puckett Can Run From Obama, Can’t Hide from Jobs Killing Record

RSLC Launches New Ad in Virginia Chasing Down Sen. Phil Puckett’s Long Tax Hiking History

Alexandria, Va. (October 24, 2011) – Although Virginia State Senator Phillip Puckett tried to take cover from his party’s leader, he cannot hide from the fact that he sided with the liberal Democratic leadership in the Virginia Senate, failed to vote to protect Virginians from federal “cap and trade” legislation and has fought to raise gas taxes, sales taxes and income taxes.

Today, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) launched an independent expenditure ad drawing attention to this fact to clear up any misconceptions about Puckett’s record (see “Puckett’s Richmond Record” attached).

“Phillip Puckett can run from President Obama, but he can’t get away from the fact that he has been voting for tax increases since before the President was even elected,” said Ed Gillespie, RSLC Chairman, former RNC Chairman, Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia and past Chairman of Governor Bob McDonnell’s campaign in 2009. “The voters of the 38th Senate District need to send a Senator to Richmond to stand with Governor McDonnell and a low tax, pro-job growth agenda and against President Obama’s job killing cap and trade legislation.”

The ad, which begins running today, are part of the RSLC’s investment of more than $1 million in Virginia elections for the House of Delegates and State Senate. The ad will run through Election Day.

About the RSLC
The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders and the only national organization whose mission is to elect down ballot, state-level Republican office-holders. Since 2002, the RSLC has been working to elect candidates for the office of Attorney General, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State and State Legislator. The RSLC has more than 100,000 donors in all 50 states. The RSLC raised more than $30 million for the 2009-2010 cycle as part of an effort that picked up 20 legislative chambers, six Attorneys General, three Lieutenant Governors and seven Secretaries of State.

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