Home / CA: Taxing Legislators Face Anti-Tax GroupsCA: Taxing Legislators Face Anti-Tax Groups
Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 January 2008 02:43 Written by rslcpol Tuesday, 22 January 2008 01:11
Actually, according to some web research we’ve done, only seven states, not the three mentioned in this article, require the approval of at least two-thirds of their legislatures for any tax increase. Still, there’s a great deal of debate out there on requiring a super majority to jack with taxes – big government types hate it because it prevents government from easily dipping into the ever thinning pocket books for taxpayers.
SACRAMENTO — The anti-tax creed is so ingrained in the Republican Party that all but one of the 47 GOP state lawmakers have signed a pledge to never raise taxes. That illustrates not only how pervasive and powerful the anti-tax sentiment has become in the party but also just how difficult — and most would say impossible — it will be for Democrats to make good on their vow to go beyond spending cuts to fill a $14.5 billion budget hole.Because California is one of only three states in the nation that requires a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to raise taxes, at least eight Republicans — two in the Senate and six in the Assembly — would have to cross party lines. And all are acutely aware that doing so risks political suicide.