Home / LA: New GOP Gov. Wants Sweeping ChangesLA: New GOP Gov. Wants Sweeping Changes
Last Updated on Monday, 11 February 2008 04:00 Written by rslcpol Monday, 11 February 2008 01:30
Ah, Louisiana could one day be that shining city on a hill when it comes to campaign finance regulation and enforcement. Gone will be the days of arbitrary enforcement, and ignorance of court precedents. Good luck Governor Jindal, and God speed.
BATON ROUGE — Continuing the theme of his campaign, Gov. Bobby Jindal asked lawmakers Sunday to join him in delivering an overhaul of Louisiana ethics laws, a move the Republican chief executive casts as the first step in projecting a new image for a state saddled with a history of corruption.”Today we take the first step toward building a better Louisiana where our ethics laws are the gold standard, letting the rest of the world know that corruption will no longer find a home here,” Jindal said in opening a special legislative session that could last through March 1.
Headlining Jindal’s plan are proposals to shine more light on public officials’ financial interests and the activities of lobbyists who curry favor with state government, while also limiting potential conflicts of interests among elected officials and other public servants.