Home / Ambulance Chasers Hit Cyberspace; WhoCanISue.comAmbulance Chasers Hit Cyberspace;
Last Updated on Thursday, 7 August 2008 01:54 Written by rslcpol Thursday, 7 August 2008 01:54
From Time Magazine:
As if there weren’t enough people out there suing each other, now a Florida attorney has come up with a way to make the process even easier.
Beginning next month, anyone with access to the Internet should be able to log onto The new website plans to help consumers determine whether they actually have a case and help them find an attorney from a list of lawyers who advertise their expertise on the website. The attorneys will pay an annual fee of $1,000 to appear on the site, plus an additional amount of their own choosing that will determine how prominently they appear in the listings on the site. The website will vet the attorneys to make sure they are in good standing with their state bar associations.
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Toward further understanding and discussion, here are links to a backgrounder on the company and how the service works, as well as the bio of founder & CEO Curtis Wolfe. Backgrounder:
http://tinyurl dot com/5r7ym8
Curtis Wolfe bio:
http://tinyurl dot com/63xx9k
The full press release issued yesterday can be read online in its entirety on PRNewswire at: http://tinyurl dot com/6rkvb7.