Today is Monday, 31st March 2025

WV: Poll Shows GOP AG Challenger Within 7% of Dem McGraw

Republican Dan Greear message is resonating with the voters in West Virginia tired of  Democrat Attorney General Darrell McGraw.

From Greear’s Camp:

Attorney General Candidate Dan Greear said today he was pleased with a new poll featured in the State Journal by Orion Strategies that shows his campaign quickly closing the gap with current Attorney General Darrell McGraw.

An MBE poll taken September 5-8 showed Darrell McGraw leading by 17%.

Within three weeks, the Orion Strategies/West Virginia Wesleyan poll shows the margin has narrowed to 7% with Darrell McGraw polling 49% and Dan Greear at 41.5%.

“The poll we trust the most is when we are out campaigning and the overwhelming positive response we receive,” Greear said.

“While I believe this will be a close race, the momentum has shifted in the last few weeks in our favor.

As more and more people begin paying attention to our race, the more our numbers are going to climb.

People are sick and tired of Darrell McGraw and his antics and they are responding positively to our message of reform for the Office of Attorney General.”

Read the Rest of the release below…

Greear continued, “Darrell is quick to try to find a boogeyman in the business community and is trying to scare our seniors.

But, this dramatic change in the polls has come without any outside ads being run.

The fact is people realize Darrell is bad for our state, bad for our businesses, and by defeating Darrell they can send a positive message across our country that West Virginia is truly open for business.”

The Greear for AG campaign launched its first web ad last week, titled “McGraw’s Game of Monopoly.”

Greear stated a new TV and radio campaign will start within days.

“Darrell’s ads have been pure paranoia and an attempt to scare our seniors into believing I won’t protect them.

Everyone can rest assured my office will vigorously defend our consumers.

My new ad campaign will focus on what I have done and what I will do.

We will take our message of a proven leader who wants to bring positive change to the voters and we will close the small gap between us.”

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