Home / Montana AG Hopefuls Dispute Ad AccuracyMontana AG Hopefuls Dispute Ad Accuracy
Last Updated on Monday, 3 November 2008 11:43 Written by rslcpol Monday, 3 November 2008 11:22
Talk about a rock em sock em contest! When the polls close tomorrow in Montana, neither one of these candidates are going to want to get off the mat. From the Billings Gazette:
Those decisions came the day after the Montana Democratic Party was forced to modify its attack ads against the Republican candidate.
Additionally, a spate of Montana radio stations pulled a Democratic Party ad.
The hard-fought race pits Democrat Steve Bullock against Republican Tim Fox. Bullock’s campaign has run three ads, two of them considered “positive” ads focusing on Bullock and one criticizing Fox’s attacks while also praising Bullock.