Home / KY AG and SOS: The Politics of FearKY AG and SOS: The Politics of Fear
Last Updated on Saturday, 29 September 2007 09:42 Written by rslcpol Thursday, 20 September 2007 02:21
If you ever want to win an election, do this – get a big headline that tells voters their votes won’t be counted on Election Day.
“Many electronic voting machines that will be used in the Nov. 6 election could be susceptible to security problems, according to a report released yesterday by Kentucky Attorney General Greg Stumbo.”
So the Democrat A.G. says that first, but then starts his back track in the very next paragraph:
Still, Stumbo and Secretary of State Trey Grayson both agreed there has yet to be a problem in Kentucky and said voters shouldn’t worry.
“It’s not cause for alarm,” Stumbo said. “There’s been no documented breaches of any of our machines in Kentucky that have been in use, it’s simply precautionary.”
Why is the Democrat A.G. saying such things? Well it might be because the Republican Secretary of State Trey Grayson is up for re-election in November.
Truly the politics of fear.