Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

TN: Surveilling Smokes

So in Tennessee, the state government, led by the state’s Democrat governor has instituted a program that is so counter to the free market that it would make any economist’s, worth half his salt, head spin. It appears that Governor Phil Bredesen isn’t happy with how the free market system works, and he wants to assert state control over the normally free flowing economy. Actions like this are the equivalent of a tantrum (or worse) – Tennessee citizens are smart enough to go to where the cheaper products are, and the state of Tennessee – in a really heavy handed maneuver – punishes these fine people with being pulled over, searched, and fined by law enforcement.

Truly, what’s next – you buy something on Ebay, have it delivered to your house, and at 3am Revenue Commission Agents come banging on your door to collect their share of the sale? Kind of annoying, and even a little scary if you think about it too much. This matter didn’t become a front burner issue until Republican State Representative Stacey Campfield blogged on the subject – and kicked up a bit of storm. Folks in the Volunteer State aren’t pleased – check their comments on the article in the Knoxville News (bottom of the page after the link).

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