Home / Column: What California Republicans Have to be Thankful for in 2009Column: What California Republicans Have to be Thankful for in 2009
Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 November 2009 11:54 Written by rslcpol Wednesday, 25 November 2009 11:54
From Capitol Weekly:
Bad midterms for incumbent White Houses are a pro forma occurrence. Bush avoided a rocky mid-term in 2002 because of 9/11. But Republicans truly could have above average pick-ups in Congress and state houses. With 37 governor races up and 2012 redistricting looming, a big year for GOP governors could shape Congress for the next decade. Much is at stake.
How do Republicans cash it in? Stay disciplined. Keep opposing the Democrat agenda that is rigorously out of step with those independent voters. Focus on economics and job creation. Articulate the cure to the recession in kitchen table populist ways that grab hold of an increasingly distressed middle class.
There’s danger for Republicans in this angry voter mood as well. We have our own embarrassing scandals and the anti-incumbent sentiment could become white hot and behead some Republicans.
Here in California, we can be thankful that Democrats appear to be allowing Jerry Brown to be their nominee for governor. This is roughly the equivalent of ABC putting Happy Days back on the air and hoping for a ratings bonanza.