Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

NY: The AG and his Aide

From the New York Times:

“Bo,” Mr. Percoco asked, according to Mr. Dietl, “is that a threat against Andrew Cuomo?”

And when Mr. Paterson — with low poll numbers, little money and no support from senior state Democrats — announced a three-stop tour in early February to begin his election campaign, Mr. Percoco called around to get the names of the few local officials who might have been planning to appear with him — hoping to discourage them from going.

The attorney general has tried mightily to convey the idea that he has yet to focus on a run for governor, and he ducks any discussion of it. But at the same time, he has unleashed Mr. Percoco, his most pugnacious aide, to marshal his supporters, undercut his rivals and clear a path for him to become the prohibitive favorite in the race for governor of New York.

Few people outside of New York political circles have ever heard of Mr. Percoco, 40, a former high school linebacker and advance man for the attorney general’s father, Mario M. Cuomo, when he was governor.

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