Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

PA: Winner of Special Election – Prepare to be bombarded

From The Times Herald:

A few days after declaring victory in the special election to fill the vacant 147th state House District seat, Marcy Toepel said she has been advised not to schedule a summer vacation.

Toepel, who defeated Bob Dodge on Tuesday by an unofficial margin of 31 percent, said she expects to be immersed in the process of approving the 2010-11 budget.

“Once I’m sworn in, I’m sure I’ll be bombarded with information,” said Toepel, a Douglass Township resident. “One of the best things I can do is be well rested and ready to go.”

The office became open after former Rep. Bob Mensch won a special election in September to fill the 24th District Senate seat.

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