Home / Lt. Governor Plans to file Health Care SuitLt. Governor Plans to file Health Care Suit
Last Updated on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 09:48 Written by rslcpol Wednesday, 7 July 2010 09:48
From Political Fix:
Shortly after the Congress passed federal health care legislation pushed by President Barack Obama, Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, vowed to join a lawsuit to fight the federal insurance mandate that is part of the legislation.
It’s taken him awhile, but according to a news release from his office today, he plans to file his own lawsuit in federal court tomorrow in Cape Girardeau. Kinder originally said he planned to join attorneys general from several other states who sued the federal government in Florida.
Kinder set up a private corporation to raise money for the lawsuit, and so far, he’s been unwilling to provide a list of the donors to that company.