Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

GOP Looks to Gain in Iowa House


Iowa House leaders of both parties met last week with lobbyists and other check-writers to tout their candidates and show how they’ll gain or retain the majority in November.

I imagine these gatherings are a bit like a Billy Mays-style miracle product demonstration at the State Fair. Everybody knows they’re being spun, at least to some degree, but some will be Sham-wowed.

Republicans, who currently hold 44 seats, are pitching this as their year to regain the majority in the Iowa House. If they re-elect all 38 incumbents and hold the six GOP open seats, that means they need to pick up seven Democratic seats to reach a 51-seat majority.

A seven-seat gain is a tall order in most years, but Republicans argue this isn’t like most years. They point to midterm election years like 1978 and 1994, when Democratic presidents’ approval was in the tank and the GOP made double-digit gains in the Iowa House. This is one time when Republicans are eager to talk about climate change. Their theme song could be “Hot, Hot, Hot.”

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