Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

GOP Lt. Governor Race has Two Contrasting Candidates


The Republican primary for lieutenant governor features two starkly contrasting candidates.

Mark Boughton, a seasoned politician who’s the mayor of Danbury, won the party endorsement.

His challenger, Lisa Wilson-Foley, has never held public office but is a successful entrepreneur from Simsbury who is also the mother of seven.

Both Boughton and Wilson-Foley say the state needs job growth and that state government needs to offer more support to small and medium-size businesses. They caution against runaway state spending, and they say that leaders should downsize state government and lessen bureaucracy.

While they may both subscribe to traditional Republican conservatism, they couldn’t be more different.

Boughton, 46, is following in his father Donald’s footsteps, first by becoming a state representative and then mayor of Danbury. Before he entered politics, Boughton taught social studies at Danbury High School and owned a small cabinetry business. He also served in the U.S. Army Reserve.

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