Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

GOP AG Candidates appear on TV Forum


In their first joint TV appearance Saturday, all three Republican candidates for attorney general matched wits and contrasted their qualifications to be the state’s next chief legal officer.

All three GOP hopefuls hit their strong points, but former Hillsborough prosecutor Pam Bondi seemed more confident Holly Benson and Jeff Kottkamp. With her anchorwoman-like looks and terse answers, Bondi excelled in a sound bite-driven format in which candidates were limited to answers of one minute or less.

Bondi also deftly used the chance to question her opponents, calling both “key members of the Crist-Kottkamp administration.”

Benson served as a two-time agency head appointee under Gov. Charlie Crist, but when she described her experience, she said: “I worked with Gov. Jeb Bush.”

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