Today is Saturday, 21st September 2024

Political Newcomer Leads Democrat Incumbent Secretary of State

From The Iowa Republican:

Political newcomer Matt Schultz leads incumbent Secretary of State Mike Mauro in Battleground Poll. Schultz leads Mauro 33% to 30%, but the poll also shows that 35% of those surveyed have not made up their minds about the race.

Schultz told, “These numbers are encouraging, but it won’t change what I’m doing. I have always campaigned as if I am 20 points behind, and I won’t stop working hard.”

Schultz’ surprising strength in the poll can be attributed to Mauro’s obscurity across the state. As a first term incumbent, Mauro hasn’t built the name ID that Attorney General Tom Miller and State Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald have during their three decades in office. On top of that, Mauro has done very little since being elected in 2006 to introduce himself to voters outside of Polk County.

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