Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Dem AG Primary Candidate Picks State Senate Primary Favorite


A Democratic contender for the state attorney general’s job is jumping into the turbulent waters of Erie County Democratic politics today by endorsing Sen. William Stachowski for re-election.

But Sean Coffey, a former federal prosecutor, says he has motivations beyond Stachowski: stop Steve Pigeon, the former Erie County Democratic Party boss and counsel to an embattled state senator from the Bronx.

“Steve Pigeon is not a force for good in New York state government,” said Coffey, one of five Democrats vying in next month’s party primary for attorney general. He will be in Buffalo today to endorse both Stachowski and Marc Coppola, who is running against Republican Sen. Michael Razenhofer.

Coffey said Pigeon is too close with Tim Kennedy, the Erie County legislator challenging Stachowski, a Lake View Democrat, and that Pigeon wants to get more of his allies elected to office in Albany.

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