Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

New Mexico Attorney General Faces Cover up Allegations

From the New Mexico Independent:

Attorney General Gary King attempted to cover up allegations of wrongdoing by Secretary of State Mary Herrera, an Española attorney charged Thursday.

Attorney Rudy Martin said his client, A.J. Salazar, spoke to the FBI last week after turning over telephone numbers and potential witnesses to state Attorney General (AG) investigators five months ago, about the time he quit as Herrera’s state elections director and alleged wrongdoing in a resignation letter.

“The two (AG) investigators did their job,” Martin told The Independent. “Gary tried to play politics and swept everything under the rug” to help Herrera and other Democrats in an election year, Martin said. That lack of action ultimately led two of his other clients — Herrera’s office manager, Manny Vildasol, and her public information officer, James Flores – to also go to the FBI with allegations of wrongdoing, Martin added.

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