Today is Friday, 20th September 2024

Editorial: Where Did Democrat Secretary of State Herrera’s Campaign Vows Go?


Their allegations are made all the more disappointing given that Secretary of State Mary Herrera campaigned for her office on a platform of cleaning it up and institutionalizing accountability and transparency in the wake of her predecessor, Rebecca Vigil-Giron. Vigil-Giron is charged in a 50-count indictment focusing on more than $6 million in federal voter education funds.

Vigil-Giron has routinely cited politics as the fuel behind the incendiary allegations against her.

That gives her something in common with Madame Secretary, as Herrera likes to be called. She also claims to be the victim of politics.

Rather than show New Mexicans how well her office is run and how responsive it is, Herrera has spent her tenure making excuses, making a flight to India, and making a scene, stomping off after placing the two remaining complainers on leave and dismissing “blatantly false and ridiculous claims being thrown at the press like red meat in an election year.”

It’s for investigators and perhaps the courts to decide whether there is another round of potentially illegal activity involving the office.

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